The Infectious Myth – Ebola, that’s enough! Yes! – 02.07.17

Recently an Ebola vaccina trial was published with an incredible result — none of the people who were vaccinated came down with Ebola, while quite a few unvaccinated people did. David dissects this trial and by the time he’s finished there’s nothing but a bloody mess left on the floor. The trial is a scientific disaster, sound and fury signifying nothing. You can read the paper from Lancet at:

The war on drugs causes massive human rights violations

The war on drugs has had devastating effects on human rights and public health worldwide, argue experts in The BMJ today. In November, the journal argued that prohibition laws have failed and called on doctors to lead the debate on alternative rational policies that promote health and respect dignity. This week, key players in this debate discuss the harms of …

Focus on the Facts – 01.17.17

The guest was Jason Christoff, a Certified Holistic Life Style Coach from Canada. Discussed how chemtrails, vaccines, prescription drugs, Fluorinated water, and GMO foods are manipulating the minds and bodies of mankind. The elite motivation is to automate humanity into a computer class of workers and Jason explained how that extends to mind control and the practice of inoculating people with vaccines and mind-numbing chemicals.

Claire Bernish – Landmark Study Shows Half of Cancer Patients are Killed by Chemo — NOT Cancer

No matter how much doctors push the treatment, chemotherapy might not be the best option in the fight against cancer, as a new study shows up to 50 percent of patients are killed by the drugs — not the disease, itself. Researchers from Public Health England and Cancer Research UK performed a groundbreaking study examining for the first time the numbers of …

Iraq : Think nothing can shock you anymore? – Try this

As many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, according to two scientists who surveyed the country for the Food and Agriculture Organization. The study also found steeply rising malnutrition among the young, suggesting that more children will be at risk in the …

Scientists Discovered a New Bacteria that Causes Lyme Disease

Scientists now know that there are at least 2 different types of bacteria that cause Lyme disease after lab tests on 6 people produced unexpected results. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Mayo Clinic, and health officials from Minnesota, Wisconsin, and North Dakota said in a report that it was previously believed that only Borrelia burgdorferi, which …

Nichole Mormann – As Climate Change Decimates Crops, 500,000 People Will Die Annually by 2050

With global temperatures rising, researchers predict there will be fewer healthy fruits and veggies to go around. It’s an age-old scenario at the family dinner table: parents or caregivers nagging kids to eat their vegetables. But while some children need a little prodding to eat their peas or brussels sprouts, according to new research published Thursday in the medical journalThe …

Lethal threat of lower fruit and vegetable yields

Climate change could bring about more than 500,000 extra adult deaths a year by 2050 – simply by reducing the supply of fruit and vegetables available to millions. Although restricted food production could reduce health risks linked to the growing epidemic of obesity worldwide, any such benefits will be wiped away by the greater toll of undernourishment, according to new research that …

One-Third of Clinical Trial Results Never Disclosed, Study Finds

Only 29% published in journal in two years, 13% on registry Dissemination varies widely among 51 academic medical centers One-third of clinical trials conducted at 51 major U.S. universities and academic hospitals were never published in a peer-reviewed journal or in a government registry online, according to a new study in the BMJ, formerly the British Medical Journal. The researchers …