Sarah Lazare – Another Indigenous Activist Is Assassinated, Urging Calls for Clinton to Come Clean on Role in Honduran Coup

The early March assassination of Honduran social movement leader Berta Cáceres provoked international outcry, and calls for 2016 presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton to discuss her support of the country’s 2009 coup, which ousted democratically elected president Manuel Zelaya and escalated the violent repression of human rights defenders. Now, just days after the Clinton campaign dismissed [3] these demands for accountability as “simply nonsense,” …

What Women Must Know – Change Your Biology Diet with Dr. Louis Aronne, MD – 03.10.16

Louis J. Aronne, M.D., FACP is an internationally recognized weight management expert and Director of the Comprehensive Weight Control Center at Weill Cornell Medicine and New York-Presbyterian. He is the Sanford I. Weill Professor of Metabolic Research at Weill Cornell Medicine, and has an adjunct appointment at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. Dr. Aronne is Chairman of the American Board of Obesity Medicine, the credentialing board for physicians who specialize in weight management. Dr. Aronne helped to develop the VA MOVE program, currently the largest weight management program in the country. He recently launched BMIQ (, a unique online weight control program delivered by doctors, nurses, and dietitians. Dr. Aronne has written more than sixty papers and book chapters on obesity. In addition, he wrote a New York Times bestseller The Skinny, published in 2009.

Heart of Mind Radio – 09.11.15

On today’s program we celebrate Wayne Dyer and his work and life. On August 31st Headlines announced that, Wayne Dyer, self-help guru and motivational speaker had died at 75. Kathryn will talk about experience of meeting Wayne Dyer and interviewing him on the publication of his book “A Promise is Promise.” Kathryn will offer her finally tribute to Wayne Dyer.

Interview with Ava Chin, author of Eating Wildly: Foraging for Life, Love, and the Perfect Meal – 09.10.15

Ava Chin is the author of Eating Wildly: Foraging for Life, Love, and the Perfect Meal (Simon & Schuster), which won 1st Prize in the 2015 M.F.K. Fisher Book Awards for Excellence in Culinary Writing. Kirkus called Eating Wildly “A delectable feast of the heart,” and Library Journal chose it as one of the “Best Books of 2014.” Her writing has appeared in The New York Times (“Urban Forager”), the Los Angeles Times Magazine, Marie Claire, Saveur, The Village Voice, and Eating Well, among others. A former slam poet, she is an associate professor of creative nonfiction at CUNY and a fellow at the New York Institute for the Humanities at New York University. The Huffington Post named her one of “9 Contemporary Authors You Should Be Reading.”campaign

The Spirit of Judy Miller is Alive and Well at the NYT, and It Does Great Damage – Glenn Greenwald

One of the very few Iraq War advocates to pay any price at all was former New York Times reporter Judy Miller, the classic scapegoat. But what was her defining sin? She granted anonymity to government officials and then uncritically laundered their dubious claims in the New York Times. As the paper’s own editors put it in their 2004 mea culpa about the role they played in selling the …

“I think America is out of hand”: The shocking numbers that reveal just how burnt out American workers are – MATT SACCARO

The American worker is overworked, underpaid, and suffering from severe burnout. This sentiment isn’t populist rhetoric, there are numbers to back it up. A new studyfrom Staples Advantage and WorkPlaceTrends — an HR-focused research firm — polled over 2,500 workers and reached troubling results. According to the data, 53 percent of American workers report feeling burned out at work. With current …

The Science of Near-Death Experiences

Near-death experiences have gotten a lot of attention lately. The 2014 movie Heaven Is for Real, about a young boy who told his parents he had visited heaven while he was having emergency surgery, grossed a respectable $91 million in the United States. The book it was based on, published in 2010, has sold some 10 million copies and spent 206 weeks …