Housing, transportation, food and clothing—that’s what eats up about 65 percent the average American consumer’s money. The remaining 35 percent? Well, we tend to blow much of it on nonessential stuff—which means we’re not saving for a rainy day. It’s way past time to fix this. Leid Stories discusses the small things we can do to save money. Download this …
Warrior Connection-05.07.17
The May 7 edition of Warrior Connection was a discussion with Becky Hayes a highway – concrete construction union employee who was exposed to DUCRETE a mixture of depleted uranium metal dust and normal concrete components who al of the same serious medical problems as specified by the VA and DOD and as experienced by military and civilian personnel exposed …
Trends This Week – Hypocrisy and stalled economies – 04.05.17
The devastating gas attacks against Syrian civilians have made headlines and cover stories everywhere, fueling American hatred and giving rise to more war propaganda against Syria. The media, however, is silent on the ongoing airstrikes that have killed hundreds of civilians in Mosul. Meanwhile, the business-media world continues to boast of a growing economy that seems to be falling short under President Trump as he cannot keep his economic promises.
The Gary Null Show – 04.03.17
Today is April 3rd and Gary Null has a jam packed show for you today to kick off the month of April. Gary leads off with the latest in health and healing covering the topics of vitamin d, new diets and something you have never heard before. In the second half of the show Gary goes into some indepth and insightful commentaries from himself and the wise Chrise Hedges. Gary also goes to an audio clip on Here Is Why America Invaded Iraq And Wants To Invade Iran – Retired Gen. Wesley Clark reveals a very interesting conversation he had with a fellow officer at the Pentagon ten days after 9/11. and to wrap up the program Gary opens up his phone lines for a talk back segment.
Meditations and Molotovs – 03.20.17
Bush, Blair and Co. are primarily responsible for the war in Iraq and the horrors that followed, however liberals, Democrats, and particularly the corporate news media (the same folks who gave the world President Trump) share a large portion of responsibility as well. They created the atmosphere necessary for the faux “War on Terror” (can’t wage war on a tactic), which is simply the latest justification for U.S. hegemony and imperialism. Today, let’s talk about history and why it still and always matters.
NEW SHOW ALERT: The Conspiracy Guy – 03.15.17
The Conspiracy Guy #16: A series of developments in relation to the Middle East raise concerns that the neocons are firmly in control of the Trump foreign policy agenda, including saving two ISIS leaders traded in Mosul, a 432% increase in drone strikes, and the Pentagon’s absurd declaration that Iran is “the greatest security threat in the Middle East” and warning signs that Donald’s promise to end these foreign entanglements may not be the case. The ongoing Wikileaks revelations make the case for CIA surveillance of Trump and faking “Russian hacking” overwhelming, where even leading Democrats connected to the Senate Intelligence Committee admit they have no expectation of evidence that ties the Trump campaign to Russian interference. Even Noam Chomsky tweets, “World is Laughing at claims Russia Hacked Election”. IWB (Investors Watch Blog) has published some 50 “fake news” stories on CNN alone, which confirms Wikileaks information about the mainstream media under the control of the CIA. The knowledge that the CIA can seize control of your vehicle and thereby commit a vehicular assassination sheds light on the death of Michael Hastings, who appears to have been among the first of its targets. Trump continues to shake up Washington, as a recent TIME magazine cover reflects.
Leid Stories—Trump Occupies Congress; Presents A Legislative Agenda Designed to Overwhelm the Opposition—03.01.17
A muted, more controlled President Donald Trump occupied the podium at a joint session of Congress last night, his first formal address to the body, and presented a legislative agenda meant to occupy the opposition and other detractors.
NOTES – Credit Unions, Banks, Wretched firms
Credit union advantages They are essentially nonprofit organizations Lower loan rates Pay higher savings yields Lighter on fees – 72% of largest credit unions offer free non string checking – many don’t have monthly fees (but those often don’t pay interest either Lower fees for overdrawing Many require only $5 to open savings account If you are a veteran, …
Stephen Lendman – One Yemeni Child Dies Every 10 Minutes From War-Related Starvation
US imperialism is raping and destroying the country, millions of Yemenis at risk. Instead of demanding Saudis stop terror-bombing, massacring civilians, blockading the country’s coastline along with US warships, Trump sent paratroopers to Yemen’s Bayda’s Qifah district. They raided Yakla village, reportedly attacking al-Qaeda terrorists, but who knows for sure. America supports the group, its al-Nusra affiliate in Syria, ISIS …
Paul R. Pillar – Why Gen. Mattis Is No Gen. Marshall
Useful perspective on issues surrounding the nomination of the retired Marine Corps general James Mattis to be Secretary of Defense, including the issue of civilian control of the military, can come from reflecting on the career of the one other general ever to be U.S. Defense Secretary. Whether the appointment of Mattis turns out to be good or bad will …