Today is January 31st and like always The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment. This is a very special episode of The Gary Null Show as Gary goes into last nights State of The Union speech made by Donald Trump. Download this episode (right click and save)
LOA Today – 08.10.17
Well, we’ve done it. We’re on the last chapter of The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne. This last chapter is called, “The Secret To Life,” and it’s well-summarized by a quote from Neale Donald Walsch, “There is no blackboard in the sky on which God has written your purpose, your mission in life. There’s no blackboard in the sky that says, …
Leid Stories—Is A Crash Coming? Take A Look, It’s Already Here! (Part 2)—05.31.17
Yesterday on Leid Stories financial research expert and former banker Charles Ortel said that leading indicators show a major downturn in the U.S. economy has already begun and will, under prevailing conditions, likely develop into a full-scale crash. He warned listeners to change their money-management and spending habits now. The program generated far more calls than could be answered in …
AMANDA MARCOTTE – Fake news for the Great Leader: Donald Trump’s readymade White House propaganda machine
Donald Trump ran a campaign built almost exclusively on lies and demagoguery, so it stands to reason that his presidency will usher in a new era of deceitful propaganda as well. It could very well dwarf the George W. Bush administration’s infamous propaganda push around the Iraq War. As detailed in a recent report from Media Matters, is that Trump …
Brandon Turbeville – Hundreds Of GMO Studies BUSTED By Discovery Of Major Conflicts Of Interest
Researchers affiliated with France’s National Institute for Agricultural Research recently announced the results of their study regarding potential conflicts of interest and published studies on GM crops. The study was published by the journal PLOS One and determined that a large portion of studies on genetically modified crops were rife with conflicts of interest. Most of these studies were tainted …
Economic Update – “Worker coops vs capitalism” – 09.18.16
Updates on declining US incomes, parental leave policies, rising medical deductibles, social security dependence, officials who take big, corp jobs. Interview with Peter Ranis author of Cooperatives Against Capitalism.
Leid Stories—Pot and Kettle: Hillary Clinton Boldly Assails Trump’s ‘Ethics’ – 9.07.16
With polls showing Donald Trump gaining ground on Hillary Clinton in the final stretch of the presidential race, Clinton is using all tactical weapons at her disposal to make him an also-ran. Her weapon of choice yesterday was ethics. Clinton boldly assailed Trump’s lack thereof in his debt-laden business operations, his still-unreleased tax returns, his lawsuit-plagued Trump University that went defunct six years ago, and the Trump Foundation’s violation of federal laws prohibiting charities from making political contributions.
Michelle Ye Hee Lee – Did the Clinton Foundation raise ‘hundreds of millions of dollars’ for a hospital in Haiti that was never built?
“Hillary Clinton … took in hundreds of millions of dollars for a hospital in Haiti that went to the Clinton Foundation, that was never built — that was years ago. Where is that money?” Michael Cohen, the executive vice president of the Trump Organization and special counsel to Donald Trump, made this accusation while answering questions about Trump’s donations to veterans’ groups. …
Steven Rosenfeld – Trump’s Top Campaign Adviser Made Millions From Arms Dealers, Warlords, Dictators and Oligarchs
Donald Trump’s top presidential campaign advisor is a world-class thug. Paul Manafort, who Trump brought on in March as his Republican Convention strategist and recently elevated to campaign chairman, has worked for notorious arms dealers, warlords, dictators and international tycoons who have left trails of unrest, mayhem and death or looted their country’s treasuries, according to a new report by …
Susan Page and Paul Singer – USA TODAY/Rock the Vote poll: Millennials’ agenda for the next president
WASHINGTON — Millennials have a message for the next president. Get serious about converting to renewable energy, the under-35 generation says by an overwhelming margin, and require every gun buyer to undergo a background check. They endorse putting body cameras on police officers and accepting refugees from war-torn countries such as Syria. A USA TODAY/Rock the Vote Millennial Poll finds an emerging generation …
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