What is Bernie Sanders’ Net Worth?

Bernie Sanders’ net worth is $528,014. Our Bernie Sanders net worth calculations come from analyzing his U.S. Senate financial disclosure forms. U.S. Senators aren’t required to disclose their exact net worth. The closest anyone can get to Bernie Sanders’ net worth is to dig through disclosure forms and do the math. Since senators report assets and debts within preset ranges, finding Bernie …

Joseph Clifford – Your Choice: Thirteen-Billion-Dollar Aircraft Carrier vs. Cure for Cancer

What if we had a democracy? The Pentagon is about ready to pay the bill for one, new, still unfinished aircraft carrier, which so far has cost 13 billion dollars, but is mired with cost overruns and dysfunctional systems, so the daily cost continues to increase. At the same time the US government has set aside a mere 4 billion …

In Classic Clintonian Fashion, Dems Insult Their Own Voters By Matt Taibbi

ay this for the Democrats in the Clinton era: they’re never boring. From brilliant responses to sex scandals to impossible smoke-but-not-inhale policy hedges to calculated collapses on everything from gay rights to financial deregulation, the Clinton Dems over the years have proven themselves masters of messaging and political survival. They’ve turned the act of choosing winning over principle into an …