Ralph Nader – Congress: AWOL and Out of Control

Taken as whole, with exceptions, the American people have the strangest attitude toward the Congress. Our national legislature spends nearly a quarter of our income and affects us one way or another every day of the year. Yet too many people withdraw in disgust instead of making Congress accountable to them. Warren Buffett once said, “It’s time for 535 of …

Kira M. Newman – Would Unconditional Basic Income Make Us Happier?

On June 5, Swiss voters weighed in on a referendum for universal basic income, a policy that would give every person, rich or poor, working or not, a modest amount of money per year—no strings attached. Although Switzerland voted against the referendum, it’s the first time an entire country has weighed in on the idea. The United States and Canada …

Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz – Yes, Native Americans Were the Victims of Genocide

This paper, written under the title, “U.S. Settler-Colonialism and Genocide Policies,” was delivered at the Organization of American Historians 2015 Annual Meeting in St. Louis, MO on April 18, 2015. US policies and actions related to Indigenous peoples, though often termed “racist” or “discriminatory,” are rarely depicted as what they are: classic cases of imperialism and a particular form of …

RODRIGUE TREMBLAY – Barack Obama’s Legacy: What Happened?

“The evil that men do lives after them.” — William Shakespeare (1564-1616), ‘Julius Caesar’ “The Constitution supposes, what the History of all Governments demonstrates, that the Executive is the branch of power most interested in war and most prone to it. It has accordingly with studied care, vested the question of war in the Legislature… —No nation could preserve its …

Smart Show – 04.13.15

With guest BRUCE KAUFFMANN – Thomas Jefferson’s Birthday

How did Jefferson get chosen to draft the Declaration? What were congress’s priorities when it reviewed jefferson draft? Did Jefferson father children with his slave mistress Sallie Hemings? Was Thomas Jefferson an anomaly? Jefferson’s views on religion? Was he the greatest writer ever to serve as president?

Henry Vinson on Confessions of a D.C. Madam – relates the author’s time running the largest gay escort service in Washington, DC in the late 1980s, and his interactions with VIPs from government, business, and the media who solicited the escorts he employed. Confessions of a D.C. Madam intricately details how an upstanding funeral home director became the whipping boy for politicians in the 1980s.