A centerpiece of Trump’s campaign, that is gaining support for him among white working class voters in key swing states like Pennsylvania and Ohio, is his attack on free trade treaties from NAFTA to TPP. Today’s show examines the conditions behind the current stagnation of global trade the past 18 months, growing wage stagnation and income inequality in the US, and increasing US voters’ associating of their loss of quality jobs and declining wages with free trade. Dr. Rasmus briefly reviews policies in China, Japan, Europe, and the slowing of world trade. How US economic elites—from the Business Roundtable and others— are becoming terrified of Trump’s successful manipulation of voter discontent with free trade. The elements of Trump’s position on trade are discussed, including ‘tearing up’ treaties, imposing tariffs on Mexico and China, charges of China as currency manipulator, tax policy incentives encouraging job offshoring, and US visa policies. Jack critiques Trump’s positions and concludes that Trump—like Obama before and Hillary now—is simply pandering to the discontent and will reverse his promises on trade if elected. Pandering to the trade issue, however, may just provide Trump enough votes to win key states’ electoral majorities.
Connect The Dots – Popular Resistance on the 2016 Election – 06.29.16
Popular Resistance on the 2016 Election:
Listen to Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, activists and co-founders of Popular Resistance, organizers against the TPP and the Global trade trojan in conversation with Alison Rose Levy about this primary season, this election, third parties and the fate of democracy and the earth.
Meria Heller Show – 05.15.16
Roaring Truth with Meria Heller and Jim Fetzer.
This week they discuss Ted Cruz disappeared-why?, Rafael Cruz and the assassination of JFK, 3 tramps, The photos, Judyth Vary Baker met Rafael when with Lee, Rafael fled to Canada afterwards working for Zapata Oil (Bush)came back a preacher, Trump on Hillary, The blogger was silenced, Cruz’s mistresses story, Cover ups in mainstream media, Dishing the dirt in this election, Bernie Sanders, TPP, False flags-drills, The militarized conventions atmosphere, Social programs, N.C. crazy bathroom obsessions and more.
Connect The Dots – William Waren and Benjamin Schreiber – 04.27.16
How the TPP Overrules Paris Climate Agreements and Escalates Climate Change: Listen to Friends of the Earth’s William Waren and Benjamin Schreiber in conversation with Alison Rose Levy about why environmentalists may be celebrating prematurely. If the current election cycle assures the passage of the TPP and other trade deals, climate chaos will ensue.
The Gary Null Show – 03.03.16
Gary gives you the latest in Health and Nutrition. Gary then discusses the latest news going on in the world and plays two great video clips as well. The two clips are in the post when you open this. Enjoy.
Connect The Dots – Countdown to Toxic Trade Deals – 01.27.16
Listen to Margaret Flowers, MD, and Kevin Zeese discuss the far-reaching implications of the TPP and other trade deals the President plans to sign soon.
The Gary Null Show – 10.15.15
Gary gives you the latest in Health and Nutrition. Gary also plays videos that will make you think a little more about what is happening in this world.
Connect The Dots – It’s Not Over! Update on Fast Track and TPP + Trade Deals – 07.22.15
Interview with Adam Weissman, organizer with Trade Justice NY Metro and Global Justice for Animals and the Environment this Wednesday at 10 AM ET in conversation with Alison Rose Levy.
The Gary Null Show – 06.23.15
Parkinson’s – how it begins in the gut of many people. Common diet of fat and sugar may lead to bacteria changes result in the loss of cognitive function. Dried pomegranate’s positive benefits for the body. Mediterranean diet can reduce memory loss. Plus, a look at Obama’s secret TPP scheme will criminalize saving seeds. And more!
Black Agenda Radio – 06.15.15
Broken Windows Policing Criminalizes Communities
The Police Reform Organization Project, or PROP, has released a report on damage done to ordinary people by New York City’s “Broken Windows” policing policy. Titled “That’s How They Get You,” the document provides 117 examples of how lives are ruined and communities embittered under a torrent of fines and jail terms for minor offenses. Broken Windows “actually criminalizes people, and gets them caught up the criminal justice system,” said PROP director Robert Gangi.
Another “Black” U.S. President?
Omali Yeshitela, chairman of the Black Is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations, said Democratic presidential politics has become repetitive and predictable. “What we have is simply a continuation of the [Bill] Clinton regime, through Obama, and now I guess Hillary is about to become the third Black president,” said Yeshitela. The Black Is Back Coalition, founded in 2009 in part to show that not all Blacks supported Obama’s corporatist, imperial policies, is gearing up for its national conference, in August.
Newark is the Destination on July 25
The People’s Organization for Progress is expecting huge crowds to gather in Newark, New Jersey, for POP’s Millions March Against Police Brutality, Racial Injustice, and Economic Inequality, July 25. The march has been endorsed by scores of organizations and individuals, including Dr. Cornel West and Newark Mayor Ras Baraka, who is establishing a civilian police review board complete with subpoena powers. Community organizations, including POP, will hold a majority of seats on the board. However, POP chairman Larry Hamm is “under no illusion” that the review board will solve the problem. “I say categorically, that the greatest antidote to police brutality is the mass movement of the people,” said Hamm. “That’s more powerful than any governmental structure that can be put into place.”
Obama’s TPP Sinking
President Obama’s secret Trans Pacific Partnership treaty suffered a big setback on Friday in the U.S. House of Representatives, thanks largely to activists like Kevin Zeese, of Popular Resistance. “If you don’t like crony capitalism or rigged trade for big business, you’ve got to be against TPP,” said Zeese. The treaty would make it almost impossible to reverse privatizations of government services, or for the public sector to take any action that might adversely affect corporate expectations of profits.