Who’s down with TPP?: Big business wins and democracy loses as both parties lie about free trade – BILL CURRY

If you need further proof of your democracy’s ill health, the Senate provided plenty of it this week as it began debating whether to fast track President Obama’s much-beloved Trans Pacific Trade Partnership (TPP). By passing the bill Congress, would divest itself of its constitutional right to amend the agreement. On Thursday, the “world’s greatest deliberative body” signaled it will …

The Secret Corporate Takeover – Joseph Stiglitz

The United States and the world are engaged in a great debate about new trade agreements. Such pacts used to be called “free-trade agreements”; in fact, they were managed trade agreements, tailored to corporate interests, largely in the US and the European Union. Today, such deals are more often referred to as “partnerships,”as in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). But they are not partnerships of …

Influence peddlers seem to know more about the Trans-Pacific Partnership than Congress – Bill Allison

The restrictions the Obama administration has placed on members of Congress wishing to peruse the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a managed trade agreement among the United States and 11 other countries, are something of a shock in a democratic republic. Lawmakers can bring staff, but only those with the necessary security clearances. They can take notes, but must surrender …

A Trade Rule that Makes It Illegal to Favor Local Business? Newest Leak Shows TPP Would Do That And More – David Korten

Secret negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a trade and investment agreement involving 12 nations of the Pacific Rim, are coming to a close, and President Barack Obama will soon submit the final agreement to the U.S. Congress for approval. Presumably, he will urge the deal’s passage with the same unsubstantiated and misleading claims his administration has offered all along: that …

Seattle City Council Unanimously Declares Opposition to Fast Track, TPP

“Few things counterpose the interests of multinational corporations to the interests of workers, the environment, and democracy” like the TPP, says councilmember Kshama Sawant Deirdre Fulton The Seattle City Council resoundingly approved a resolution Monday evening cementing its opposition to so-called Fast Track authority that’s needed to speed passage of corporate-friendly, rights-trampling trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The resolution (pdf), …

Obama’s Terrible Trade Pact Is a Scam That Must Be Stopped

Ed, please call home! Edward Snowden, that is: Come quickly; your country needs you. Once again, the American people are being victimized by a hush-hush blanket of official secrecy, rhetorical dodges and outright lies. This time it’s not about wholesale spying on us by our own government, but a wholesale assault on our jobs, environment, health and even our people’s …

Free Trade Isn’t about Trade. It’s About Bureaucrats—and Guns.

Free trade isn’t about trade. Free trade is about bureaucrats. And guns. Simple stories about how one country is good at making wine, and should trade with another country that is good at making cloth, explain very little about today’s trade agreements. Instead, agreements are about which bureaucrats make decisions about markets that operate between countries. Who has the power …