NDC Savings Club – Homoeopathy – Medicine or Magic? – 05.04.16

Guest Speaker: Alex Acuna https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dfq9AgZXxAY

Discovered in the late 1700’s, homoeopathy is a low-cost, non-toxic system of medicine. The system of homoeopathic healing assists the natural tendency of the body to heal itself. It recognizes that all symptoms of ill health are expressions of disharmony within the whole person and that it is the patient who needs treatment not the disease.

There are three principles upon which homoeopathy is formulated:

Like cures like (Law of Similars): Any substance that can produce the symptoms of an illness in a healthy human being can cure those same symptoms in a sick human being.

The more dilute the remedy, the greater its potency (Law of the Infinitesimal Dose): Homoeopathic remedies are usually prepared through a process of diluting with pure water or alcohol and schussing (vigorous shaking) such that the more diluted a substance gets, the more potent it becomes.

An illness is specific to the individual (a holistic medical model): Homoeopaths consult compendiums called repertories to determine the remedy that most closely matches the patient’s symptoms.

Homoeopathic medicines are drug components made by homoeopathic pharmacies consisting of plants, minerals and animal extracts. Remedies (usually in liquid, tablet or powder form) are prescribed in accordance with a patient’s symptoms and health conditions while individual characteristics such as emotions and physical condition are also taken into account.

New Series: The 40 Flow of Energy Systems.

Interview with Lonna Gordon of Pediatrics at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai – 03.17.16

Dr. Lonna P Gordon is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and an Adolescent Medicine Specialist at the Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center. She received her Doctor of Pharmacy from Florida A& M University and her Doctor of Medicine from the University of South Florida. Dr. Gordon is passionate about child and adolescent obesity prevention and treatment and has led a variety of clinical and community interventions related to those subjects. She also does research around the psychological and social implications of obesity during adolescence.

Ask Beatty – 02.29.16

Alternative Medicine….Case Study

You visit one doctor after another, looking for symptom relief. But not only do your symptoms persist, but you are told that your problems are idiopathic.
My guest today is Dr. Serena Goldstein, a Naturopath in private practice in NYC. Her insight will give you alternative ways to think about your treatment, whatever your issues may be.