Joachim Hagopian – Obama’s Infamous Pivot to Asia: Countdown to War in the South China Sea?

On July 12th, 2016 the UN arbitration decision against China’s claim of territorial islands based on “historical rights” ruled in favor of the Philippines, serving as the latest international war machine’s ratcheting up imminent all-out war. The United Nations as a globalist extension of American Empire’s dominance over the rest of the world is just another engineered US machination designed to …

Dilip Hiro -The Most Dangerous Place on Earth

Undoubtedly, for nearly two decades, the most dangerous place on Earth has been the Indian-Pakistani border in Kashmir. It’s possible that a small spark from artillery and rocket exchanges across that border might — given the known military doctrines of the two nuclear-armed neighbors — lead inexorably to an all-out nuclear conflagration.  In that case the result would be catastrophic. …

Noam Chomsky – “The Iranian Threat”

Throughout the world there is great relief and optimism about the nuclear deal reached in Vienna between Iran and the P5+1 nations, the five veto-holding members of the U.N. Security Council and Germany. Most of the world apparently shares the assessment of the U.S. Arms Control Association that “the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action establishes a strong and effective formula …

H.A. Feiveson – The Iran Deal Explained

One month ago in Vienna, the United States and five other countries (China, France, Germany, Russia, and the UK) along with a representative of the European Union, collectively known as the E3/EU+3, signed a nuclear agreement with Iran. The deal was immediately hailed as historic by both its supporters and its detractors. Yet very few of its supporters—or its detractors—know …

The Real Reasons For the Iran Agreement – Paul Craig Roberts

Obama is being praised as a man of peace for the nuclear agreement with Iran. Some are asking if Obama will take the next step and repair US-Russian relations and bring the Ukrainian imbroglio to an end? If so he hasn’t told Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland or his nominee as Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, …

Israel Thanks Obama for Sabotaging Nuclear Nonproliferation Deal – Sarah Lazare

The U.S. sabotage last week of an international agreement aimed at eradicating nuclear weapons stockpiles has been met mostly with alarm and frustration around the world—but gratitude from one key U.S. ally: Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu personally called U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Saturday to thank the White House for leading the charge to block a final document that would …

Blocking a Nuclear-Free Mideast – Paul R. Pillar

Last week, the latest quinquennial review conference for the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) ended as a failure, without issuing a formal statement or report. The single biggest snag concerned whether to call for the convening of a conference on a Middle Eastern nuclear weapons free zone (MENWFZ). Fingers of blame were pointed in various directions, including at Egypt for pushing some …

Failure of Review Conference Brings World Close to Nuclear Cataclysm, Warn Activists – Thalif Deen

After nearly four weeks of negotiations, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference ended in a predictable outcome: a text overwhelmingly reflecting the views and interests of the nuclear-armed states and some of their nuclear-dependent allies. “The process to develop the draft Review Conference outcome document was anti-democratic and nontransparent,” Ray Acheson, director, Reaching Critical Will, Women’s International League for …

Faith-Based Organizations Warn of Impending Nuclear Disaster – Thalif Deen

As the month-long review conference on the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) continued into its second week, a coalition of some 50 faith-based organizations (FBOs), anti-nuclear peace activists and civil society organizations (CSOs) was assigned an unenviable task: a brief three-minute presentation warning the world of the disastrous humanitarian consequences of a nuclear attack. Accomplishing this feat within a rigid time …

Iran: The Leading Proponent for a Nuclear Weapons-Free World – Stephen Lendman

As long as these weapons exist, humanity’s survival remains up for grabs. Sooner or later they’ll be used. Armageddon may follow. The world’s entire nuclear weapons stockpile must be eliminated to prevent it. The consequences otherwise are too potentially catastrophic to ignore. Albert Einstein deplored nuclear weapons. “I have always condemned the use of the atomic bomb against Japan,” he …