Legendary election protection hero BEV HARRIS joins Berkeley filmmaker DON GOLDMACHER in a powerful Solartopian excursion into the land of election theft. Bev’s BLACKBOX VOTING work has paved the way for a generation of activists and researchers looking into our broken system of electing officials. She lays out for us the critical elements in electronic manipulation and voter elimination which …
Turning Point – 04.07.17
Interview with investigative reporter, Greg Palast; The Koch brothers and other billionaires.
Turning Point – 03.31.17
Immigrants Download this episode (right click and save)
Michael Payne – Trump declares war on the media; a monumental mistake he will soon regret
You would think that a newly elected U.S. president who needs all the help he can get to achieve his objectives would think deeply about what he was going to say before he actually said it. Most incoming presidents would do just that; except this president, Donald J. Trump. Trump engaged in a running feud with this country’s national media …
Turning Point – 01.20.17
Hail to the Chief?
Leid Stories—Free Your Mind!: A Gift to Trump on Inauguration Day—01.19.17
It’s official. Inaugurated at noon today, Donald J. Trump is the 45th president of the United States, and he’s chomping at the bit to “make America great again.”
Robert Reich – Six reasons why Trump’s wall is even dumber than most of his other ideas
At his turbulent news event last Wednesday (I won’t dignify it by calling it a news conference), Trump reiterated that he will build a wall along the Mexican border. “It’s not a fence. It’s a wall,” he said, and “Mexico will pay for the wall.” Here are 6 reasons why Trump’s wall is an even dumber idea than most of …
Michael Payne – A party of control-obsessed politicians take charge – dark times ahead for America
There have been times in this nation’s history – at the onset of the Civil War, the Great Depression of the 1930s, the assassination of President Kennedy, and the aftermath of the 911 tragedy – when Americans were full of apprehension and possessed a great deal of fear about the direction in which this country was heading. In the America …
AMANDA MARCOTTE – Conservatism turned toxic: Donald Trump’s fanbase has no actual ideology, just a nihilistic hatred of liberals
The horror show that was the 2016 election will be examined and reexamined for years, and depending on how bad things get, quite likely decades to come. There were, of course, a lot of factors: Cultural change, economic change, racism, liberal complacency after Barack Obama, the FBI manipulating the election, the Russian government manipulating the election, hatred of feminism and so …
Turning Point – 12.23.16
A Christmas story and sermon