Leid Stories – Unifier-in-Chief Obama Shines A Light on Problems Already Known – 07.14.16

President Barack Obama met for more than four hours at the White House with a diverse group of leaders yesterday—the same day he spoke at the funeral of five police officers killed by an ex-soldier in a sniper attack July 7 in Dallas. The Unifier-in-Chief said he wanted their ideas and input on how to build “trust” between police and the communities they serve, the main focus of The President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing he created by executive order in December 2014.

The task force in May last year delivered a 116-page report, with recommendations for nationwide changes in six key areas—building trust and legitimacy; policy and oversight; technology and social media; community policing and crime reduction; training and education; and officer wellness and safety. Yet, Obama continues to plead for deeper understanding of, and solutions for, the “trust problem.”

It’s not as if there’s a dearth of information about law-enforcement (and especially its problems); the task force’s report pales in comparison to books, articles and scholarly papers on the subject. Why, then, is Obama stalling on implementing his own task force’s—and other credible–recommendations?

Love Lust And Laughter – 06.14.16

Gail Scott returned for a third time to the program – sharing her personal trauma to triumph story. When people say, “I have trust issues,” what do they really mean? Gail (www.GailScottinc.com) and Dr. Diana spoke about how great relationships are based on trust, and in order to build that bond we must allow ourselves to be vulnerable. Allowing yourself to be truly seen and deeply known, flaws and all – is actually the surest route to intimacy. FEAR can play a negative role…(Gail’s acronym is False Evidence Appearing Real). Fears often come up in sex which work against truly letting go! Stories are told in your head – based on past experiences where you were shamed or worse. Relationships can help you repair bad things that happened to you in the past; even nurturing relationships later in life can rewrite the neural scripts from childhood. When Gail was divorced she made a list and gradually became the list by looking in the mirror to see what she was attracting. Self-images can be deceiving…Think how other’s perceptions and your perception might differ. Life choices and self-improvement can open us to the potential bounty of our lives!