Expat Files – 12.08.17

#1- Driving a vehicle through Latin American country borders: Ten tips and cautions to observe (and contemplate) before trying such a  fearless stunt. #2- In Belize the locals speak English. Cool huh? Well not so fast. That also means the locals hear every complaint, comment and slur that gringo tourists and Expats utter about their country, people and culture. In …

Leid Stories—Charity Fraud Nets Ex-Congresswoman Corrine Brown 5 Years. Word to the Clintons?—12.05.17

A federal judge yesterday sentenced former Rep. Corrine Brown (D-Jacksonville), a 24-year congressional veteran, to five years in prison for creating a bogus charity that was to provide scholarships for poor students but instead turned it into an $800,000 slush fund for herself. If stealing $800,000 from a so-called charity gets a former member of Congress five years in a …

Project Censored – 12.05.17

For the first segment of the show, Mickey and Michael speak with independent journalist Dave Lindorff. In a recent Salon.com article, Lindorff contends that corporate-media denunciations of “fake news” are also intended to undermine the credibility of non-corporate alternative media. Then Nolan Higdon joins the show as a guest, for a discussion of how to teach media literacy, despite neoliberal …

Black Agenda Radio – 11.27.17

Welcome to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. I’m Glen Ford, along with my co-host Nellie Bailey. Coming up: Donald Trump’s election has sparked dramatic growth in recruitment for left-wing political organizations, including the Workers World Party, which held its national conference in Newark, New Jersey. The Democratic Party and U.S. …

The Gary Null Show – 11.22.17

The relationship between GMO consumption and over 20 adverse health conditions.  Jeffrey Smith is a leading spokesperson on the health dangers of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and the chemical agricultural industry. he is the founding executive director of the Institute for Responsible Technology, which is a leading educational source about GMO foods’ health risks and organization to have GMOs removed from …

Rob Kall’s Bottom Up Live Tonight At 8: Chris Whipple discusses The 2nd Most Powerful Person in the World: White House Chief of Staff

Chris Whipple discusses The 2nd Most Powerful Person in the World: White House Chief of Staff After the president, the White House Chief of staff may be the most powerful person in the world. Success as president requires a White House chief of Staff effectively empowered to do the job right. Chris Whipple wrote the book, The GATEKEEPERS; How the …

Visionaries – 11.13.17

“Michael Silver.” Once again we check in with Mike to see what is up in consciousness, A.I., and stuff like that. Mike is an architect, cultural commentator, professor, student of consciousness and principal of Critical Systems Lab. He works in robotics among other fields. Today we discuss Artificial Intelligence, Consciousness, and the mind/body problem. That should cover it. Download this …

Resistance Radio – Guest: Jeremy Lent – 11.12.17

Jeremy Lent is an author and founder of the nonprofit Liology Institute, dedicated to fostering a worldview that could enable humanity to thrive sustainably on the earth. The Liology Institute, which integrates systems science with ancient wisdom traditions, holds regular workshops and other events in the San Francisco Bay Area. In addition to The Patterning Instinct, Jeremy is author of the novel Requiem …

Expat Files – 11.12.17

#1- Jack Brett’s brand new second edition of “Fast Spanish” is now available for FREE, but only to Expat Files listeners. Yes there are good, bad, ugly and great ways to learn Spanish. Jack Brett’s 110 page “boots on the ground” lean- mean guide to learning Spanish describes the fastest, most economical and efficient learning methods out there today. He’s …