Infectious Myth – Is the United States a Democracy – 08.23.16

David examines the problematic characteristics of the United States unique electoral system. Some of these include the embedded two party system, where third parties are allowed, but can never achieve power, and the lack of true federal elections, with most rules about the elections controlled by states or counties. The US constitution appears to act as a barrier to real and rapid reform.

Thomas Frank – With Trump certain to lose, you can forget about a progressive Clinton

And so ends the great populist uprising of our time, fizzling out pathetically in the mud and the bigotry stirred up by a third-rate would-be caudillo named Donald J Trump. So closes an era of populist outrage that began back in 2008, when the Davos dream of a world run by benevolent bankers first started to crack. The unrest has …

Carey Wedler – Silent Majority: 55% Of Americans Want Independent To Run Against Trump, Clinton

It’s happening! According to a new poll, Americans have finally maxed out their tolerance for “lesser evils” in presidential politics. The survey, published by independent research firm, Data Targeting, found a majority of Americans now want an independent candidate to take on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump — two of the most disliked candidates in recent history. Researchers for the poll, …

ANDREW LEVINE – What is the Democratic Party Good For? Absolutely Nothing

Think of Republicans and despair for the human race. Even the ones who otherwise seem morally and intellectually sound champion political views straight out of Morons R’Us. However, Democrats are worse — not morally or intellectually, of course; and neither are their views worse.   But within the matrix of our semi-established two party system, Democrats do the most harm. The …