he sun was rising over one of the richest mineral deposits on Earth, in one of the poorest countries, as Sidiki Mayamba got ready for work. Mayamba is a cobalt miner. And the red-dirt savanna stretching outside his door contains such an astonishing wealth of cobalt and other minerals that a geologist once described it as a “scandale geologique.” This …
Dave Lindorff – No Denying It, Climate Change Is Happening Now
The leaves came off the last trees — a crabapple, a willow and a hardy Norway maple — during the first week of December this year, surely the latest I can remember seeing leaves on trees since we moved to the Philadelphia area 18 years ago. But it’s not just that. A rhododendron bush beside the house has huge blooms …
Lumber Liquidators in trouble over this chemical found in flooring, but CDC wants to inject your children with it
Lumber Liquidators has made headlines recently, but it’s not because of some mega clearance sale or feel-good promotion. Rather, they were selling flooring that contained a toxic chemical known to jeopardize people’s health — formaldehyde. Worse, they were making false claims about this, saying that the Chinese-made laminate flooring they were supplying fell within state and federal formaldehyde limits. In …