Margaret Kimberley – Putin Trumps Obama at the U.N.

“Obama can no longer expect to carry out his international dirty work without effective opposition.” If the peevish expression on Barack Obama’s face was any indication, Vladimir Putin is a force in the world who cannot be ignored. Ever since Russia annexed Crimea in response to the United States- and NATO-backed coup in Ukraine, Obama and the corporate media have …

James Howard Kuntsler – Tick Tick Tick

Did Charlie Rose look like a fucking idiot last night on 60-Minutes, or what, asking Vladimir Putin how he could know for sure that the US was behind the 2014 Ukraine coup against President Viktor Yanukovych? Maybe the idiots are the 60-Minutes producers and fluffers who are supposed to prep Charlie’s questions. Putin seemed startled and amused by this one on Ukraine:how could he know for …

Ekaterina Blinova – The Clinton Foundation contributed to the February coup in Ukraine, having longstanding ties to Ukrainian oligarchs who pushed the country to European integration.

A sinister atmosphere surrounds the Clinton Foundation’s role in Ukrainian military coup of February 2014, experts point out. It has recently turned out that Ukrainian oligarch Viktor Pinchuk, a vocal proponent of Ukraine’s European integration, made huge contributions to the Clinton Foundation, while Hillary Clinton was the US Secretary of State. Although the foundation swore off donations from foreign governments while Mrs. Clinton was serving as a state official, …

Alexander DYUKOV – Why did Nazis fail to create a Ukrainian state in 1939?

In 1939 the German military commanders had plans to create a Ukrainian puppet state inside Poland. Today’s article will discuss why this never happened. On the eve of WWII the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) was a key terrorist group the Nazi secret services put stakes on while preparing an assault on Poland. That group was carrying out subversive operations …

Peter Koenig & The Saker – Western Sanctions on Russia, Russia-China Cooperation: A Tectonic Shift of the Global Economy?

Peter Koenig: Let’s begin with what are ‘sanctions’? – Sanctions are (economic) punishments by the self-proclaimed empire in Washington and its European minions on any country that does not follow the dictate of the empire. Actually, it’s worse. The European spineless puppets participate despite their own losses, lest they may be sanctioned themselves by the empire. In some cases, they are …

SERGEI SUPINSKY – Ukraine Cannot Pay Off Debts, Risks to Turn Into Another Greece

Earlier in August, Ukraine managed to avoid a technical default by paying off its $120 million eurobond coupon. The next payment, $500 million, is due to be made in September. “Creditors are always in a bad situation under these conditions – there’s no money to be had, but they still want their money. But I actually think there’s no chance that Ukraine’s going to be able to pay what they owe, and …

Ray McGovern – Propaganda, Intelligence and MH-17

During a recent interview, I was asked to express my conclusions about the July 17, 2014 shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over Ukraine, prompting me to take another hard look at Official Washington’s dubious claims – pointing the finger of blame at eastern Ukrainian rebels and Moscow – based on shaky evidence regarding who was responsible for this terrible …

Bill Holter – Financial Warfare, China and the Gold Market

hock of all shocks, the IMF announced the Chinese yuan will not be admitted into the SDR until at least Sept. 2016. What exactly does this mean? I can tell you the gold community is so shell shocked and fearful at this point, it “must be bad for gold”, right? Going back a couple of weeks, China announced they had …

Ulson Gunnar – Russia Pulls UN Cover Off MH17 Propaganda

Russia’s veto of the recent United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolution regarding the Malaysia Airlines MH17 disaster over Ukraine a year ago has garnered immediate condemnation across the West. Predictably, Russia has been decried as obstructing justice with language intentionally used to further heap guilt upon Moscow… which might perhaps be why Moscow itself had no faith in a UNSC …

Eric ZUESSE – U.S. Propaganda: It’s Not Just False but Absurd

It’s so ridiculous, no intelligent and informed person would give it any serious consideration whatsoever. It insults the public’s intelligence. Here’s a typical example of the ridiculousness of U.S. propaganda: On July 16th, the U.S. State Department issued a «Ukraine Travel Warning». It says: «The Department of State warns U.S. citizens to defer all travel to Crimea and the eastern regions of …