Ukraine as I Knew It Is Over Forever – Graham Phillips

Hard as it is to say, sad as it is for those of us who liked Ukraine, as I liked Ukraine – over 2 years living there pre-war, it was a country I was very fond of – but post-Euromaidan, Ukraine is dead. Here’s why – 1. If there’s no law, it’s not a country, it’s a failed state – the recent wave of killings of …

The Scourge of Nazism in Ukraine By Stephen Lendman

Fascist lunatics in Washington installed overt Nazis to run their newest client state. They’re taking full advantage. They’re waging naked aggression on Donbass – at present low-level ahead of renewing it full-blown. Hundreds of US combat troops (trained killers) are working directly with Kiev’s Nazi-infested National Guard and other extremist groups – teaching them the fine art of murder. Kiev …

Ukraine’s spate of suspicious deaths must be followed by credible investigations – John Dalhuisen

The killing of journalist Oles Buzyna on a Kyiv street this week was shocking enough in and of itself. According to Ukraine’s Interior Ministry, the 45-year-old journalist – who was widely known for his pro-Russian views – was gunned down by masked assailants in a drive-by shooting. But what makes his murder especially chilling is the fact that it is …

Italian Paper Breaks Silence Over Political Assassinations in Kiev – Daniele Pozzati

Italy’s second largest newspaper La Repubblica has broken western media’s silence over the latest wave of political murders in Ukraine. In an unusual for mainstream western media frank assessment of Kiev’s post-Maidan regime, La Repubblica has denounced “a ruthless sweeping away of every form of political opposition taking place in Kiev”. The paper was reacting to yet another assassination in Ukraine — this time of a popular journalist Oles …

Ukraine: Putin Slams the Door in NATO’s Face – Michael Payne

What’s been going on in Ukraine represents a monumental turning point in the balance of world geopolitical/military power. Why? Well, it’s simply this: Ukraine will very likely go down in history as the country where America, the supposed sole superpower in the world, was checkmated and met its match at the hands of the other superpower in the world – …

Russia and the Ukraine – the other side of the story – Stephen EBERT

We ”know” how evil the Russians and Putin are, yet most Americans know little about this area of the world: a recent poll found only 1 in 6 Americans could locate the Ukraine on a map. Beyond geography, the US, a historical “newcomer”, has often underappreciated the importance of history and related cultural differences. Russians and Ukrainians, comprising the “Eastern Slavs”, are …

Ukraine Blocks 10,000 Websites, Confiscates A Newspaper

As I reported yesterday, the Security Bureau of Ukraine, on April 7th, had seized and disappeared two Odessa bloggers, who were trying to get an independent investigation, and ultimate prosecution, of the individuals who participated in the 2 May 2014 massacre of regime opponents, and who burned, shot, and clubbed to death perhaps over 200 in the Odessa Trade Unions Building — …

US Agribusiness, GMOs And The Plundering Of The Planet

Small family/peasant farms produce most of the world’s food. They form the bedrock of global food production. Yet they are being squeezed onto less than a quarter of the planet’s farmland. The world is fast losing farms and farmers through the concentration of land into the hands of rich and powerful land speculators and agribusiness corporations. By definition, peasant agriculture prioritises …

Anti-US Protests Broke out in Kiev

On April 1 US Embassy was picketed by more than two thousand Ukrainian people under slogan “We are not cattle!” The phrases “We are not cattle!” on the posters were written in four languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English and Polish. Also people unrolled the big slogan with the quote of one famous Ukrainian writer Panas Mirny “Do oxen roar when the …

Why Putin Doesn’t Need To Pander To The West

It’s quiet on the eastern front – as quiet as a conflict between world superpowers can be. Since February’s cease-fire agreement, relative calm has prevailed in Ukraine and world events elsewhere – Iran and Yemen – have shifted the global focus. Still, the West’s frigid relationship with Russia is no less chilly and antagonism, not cooperation, remains the modus operandi. …