Nature Bats Last – 11.07.17

Todays esteemed guest on Nature Bats Last was Professor Paul Ehrlich, author of over 30 books and numerous peer reviewed science papers. We had a wide ranging dialogue about the unfolding 6th Great Extinction, the nuclear implications and the multiple failures of the Trump regime’ in Puerto Rico. Paul’s recent science paper on the unfolding biological annihilation is embedded in the …

ERIC ZUESSE – Hillary’s Secret Speeches to Corporate Lobbyists & CEOs

Wikileaks has recently released what the press refers to as Hillary Clinton’s paid secret speeches to corporations, but that’s a gross mischaracterization of the Wikileaks data-dump, because not a single one of her at least 91 paid secret speeches has been released anywhere. Only excerpts, brief quotations from them, have been released.

Expanding Mind – Jack Womack UFOs are Real – 09.01.16

Speculative fiction writer and book collector Jack Womack talks about flying saucers, modern myth, UFO blueprints, and his new book Flyings Saucers are Real!, which samples from his extensive UFO Library.

Justin Raimondo – The Craziest Conspiracy Theory of Them All

To those of us who grew up during the cold war years, it’s just like old times again: Russian plots to subvert the West and poison our precious bodily fluids are apparently everywhere. Speaking of poisoning plots: the latest Russkie conspiracy – and the most imaginative by far – was the alleged assassination by poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko , a …