Mark covers a gamut of material from the NFL and Apple to events that touched all of us in some capacity in 2017. Mark reminisces about his NYC New Years Eve past debaucheries to how his corporate and school talks continually fuel him to empower others through his vast talks. Have Mark speak at your company or organization to increase …
Leid Stories—What’s Your Plan for the Chaos Ahead? A Q&A Session with Charles Ortel—07.13.17
Charles Ortel is a former Wall Street investment banker who specialized in corporate mergers and acquisitions. He is credited with strengthening regulations and penalties against companies engaging fraud. After retiring, he has concentrated on fraud within the world of so-called charitable organizations. The Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation occupying his attention for almost three years. Download this episode …
Meditations and Molotovs – 03.06.17
March 6th – 2017: On today’s program, Vince finishes his three part conversation with Sergio Alexander Kochergin as they reflect on their time with Iraq Veterans Against the War, Veterans for Peace, and the broader peace and justice movement. They also discuss Sergio’s time in India, studying in the EU and reflections on activism and political organizing.
Meria Heller – Meria with Richie Allen – 01.22.17
Meria’s guest is Richie Allen of The Richie Allen Show. Snow in Spain and Italy – weather modification;Dennis Kucinich on chemtrails and dept of peace; two sides of same coin – US election; what happens when trump let’s his people down? Netanyahu; Votescam;Best Democracy Money Can Buy; All countries spy on each other;Mad Dog Mattis;Eric Prince/trump/Betsy DeVos;Exxon Mobil; is trump authentic? Pence a Rothschild/Zionist;Bush & Putin;Vaccines;trump and Hollywood;where’s the anti-war movement? Most Americans don’t know we’re still at war;Theresa May and Brexit and world citizens; the Hunger Games agenda; artificial intelligence and “jobs” and much more.
Economic Update – “Trumponomics Exposed” – 01.29.17
“Updates on Basic economy airfares, Trump-May delusions, drop in US union membership, Trump’s attacks on Mexico and TPP, elite colleges vs state schools. Major discussion of (1) what ‘capitalism’ means and (2) fake ‘jobs’ policies.”
Donald Trump and the New World Order
When trying to answer the question as to who has the say in the European Union, it’s easy to get confused. The European Council, the European Commission, the member states: Even those who know the EU well don’t often know who has the last word in Brussels disputes. The confusion isn’t new. Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger famously …
Andrea Germanos – Earth ‘On the Edge’ as Disastrous 2016 Goes Down as Hottest Year on Record
Earth is “on the edge.” So declared the EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Thursday, announcing that 2016 was the warmest year on record. The first global assessment of last year’s temperatures finds that 2016 broke the record set in 2015 by close to 0.2°C , with last year’s record having broken the record set in 2014. According to meteorologist …
dale ruff – Politics as Psychopathology: Trump’s Attention Deficit, Oppositional, and Sleep Disorder
My friend who not only has a PH.d in theoretical physics and 40 years of experience as a psychiatrist, and whose specialty is diagnosis, tells me that not only is Donald Trump “a f*cking idiot” but has severe ADD, the affliction I know from having taught special education for 20 years. To this diagnosis, I would add Oppositional Disorder (irrational …
Dimitris Konstantakopoulos – Building Totalitarianism in Europe – The Last Coup of Victoria Nuland
Victoria Nuland, the US Assistant Secretary of State, did not spend much time and energy with Christmas and New Year celebrations this year. She has another very urgent and pressing problem to solve, before leaving the State Department, and this is the “Cyprus conflict”. The way she wants to solve this conflict is by transforming a second member of the …
Ellen Brown – The Italian Banking Crisis: No Free Lunch – Or Is There?
It has been called “a bigger risk than Brexit”– the Italian banking crisis that could take down the eurozone. Handwringing officials say “there is no free lunch” and “no magic bullet.” But UK Prof. Richard Werner says the magic bullet is just being ignored. On December 4, 2016, Italian voters rejected a referendum to amend their constitution to give the …