In some ways, it really didn’t matter to Steven Major whether the U.K. voted to stay or to leave. Sure, as a Brit, Major followed the U.K.’s surprising decision to break with the European Union. And, of course, the 51-year-old Londoner voted (though he politely declined to say whether he was in the “Remain” or “Leave” camp). But when it comes …
Chris Hedges – 2008 All Over Again
Great Britain’s decision to leave the European Union has wiped out many bankers and global speculators. They will turn, as they did in 2008, to governments to rescue them from default. Most governments, including ours, will probably comply. Will the American public passively permit another massive bailout of the banks? Will it accept more punishing programs of austerity to pay …
FEDJA BURIC – Fascism is rising in the U.S. and Europe — and Donald Trump is the face of this disturbing new reality
Donald Trump has eviscerated his Republican opposition and his hostile takeover of the party of Lincoln is now complete. The Republican elites have fallen in line, normalizing the xenophobia, the racism, and the politics of resentment that fuel his campaign. The unimaginable has become imaginable: a politician who has repeatedly threatened our democratic institutions has seized the imagination of a …
ANIS SHIVANI – This is our neoliberal nightmare: Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and why the market and the wealthy win every time
Over the last fifteen years, editors often asked me not to mention the word “neoliberalism,” because I was told readers wouldn’t comprehend the “jargon.” This has begun to change recently, as the terminology has come into wider usage, though it remains shrouded in great mystery. People throw the term around loosely, as they do with “fascism,” with the same confounding …
Peter Koenig – The Collapse of the European Union: Return to National Sovereignty and to Happy Europeans?
Imagine – the European Union were to collapse tomorrow – or any day soon for that matter. Europeans would dance in the streets. The EU has become a sheer pothole of fear and terror: Economic sanctions – punishment, mounting militarization, the abolition of civil rights for most Europeans. A group of unelected technocrats, representing 28 countries, many of them unfit …
Martin Berger – CIA Operations lead to the Spread of Chaos in the World
Most people are aware of the wide range of secret US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operations which the White House has been employing at different points throughout history to wreak havoc around the globe. And eventually even those who don’t may soon fall victims of the wide range of operations the CIA conducts. The following are just some of the …
Jonathan Marshall – Deadly Blowback from Neo-Imperial Wars
In what may be the most dramatic blowback yet from Western military intervention in the Middle East, terrorism and the mass influx of foreign migrants are now putting the very existence of the European Union at risk. Foreign wars fanned by European and American interventionists in the name of democracy and humanitarianism now threaten those same values in Europe as never before …
57 different pesticides found in poisoned honeybees
European honeybees are being poisoned with up to 57 different pesticides, according to new research published in the Journal of Chromatography A. A new method for detecting a whole range of pesticides in bees could help unravel the mystery behind the widespread decline of honeybees in recent years, and help develop an approach to saving them. Honeybees are under threat globally: …