Israel harvesting slain Palestinians’ organs: Palestine’s UN envoy

The Palestinian ambassador to the United Nations (UN) says the Tel Aviv regime is harvesting the organs of Palestinians killed in clashes with Israeli forces in the occupied territories. Riyad Mansour said in a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Wednesday that the bodies of the Palestinians killed by Israeli forces are “returned with missing corneas and other …

Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya – What Is ISIS?

Ahead of a meeting scheduled between Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Barack Obama and their speeches to the United Nations General Assembly in late September, the Russian President branded Washington’s support for the insurgent forces in Syria as both illegal and ineffective in an interview with Charlie Rose for the U.S. CBS and PBS television networks. Aside from …

Eric Zuesse – UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon Condemns Obama’s Actions on Syria

The U.N. headlined, “Ban Ki-moon (UN Secretary-General) and Peter Maurer (ICRC) on the world’s humanitarian crises – Media Stakeout (Geneva, 31 October 2015).” The 23-minute news-conference video there included him saying (13:50): “I believe that the future of Syria, or the future of the peace talks, … should not be held up by an issue of the future of one man. I …

Paul R. Pillar – The Afghan Lesson in Syria

The Russian military intervention to shore up the Assad regime in Syria, coupled with the previously begun U.S.-led military intervention in the same country — amid uncertainty about U.S. war aims and a reluctance to part with the objective of ousting Assad — presents the specter of a proxy war between Russia and the United States. Before the specter gets …

Dr. Glen T. Martin – The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals: Global Schizophrenia

The UN Sustainable Development Summit last week projected a new set of 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) for the next 15 years to replace the 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that were in place from 2000 to 2015. The U.N. website tells us that the SDGs address five critical areas of “people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnership.” U.N. Development program …

Margaret Kimberley – Putin Trumps Obama at the U.N.

“Obama can no longer expect to carry out his international dirty work without effective opposition.” If the peevish expression on Barack Obama’s face was any indication, Vladimir Putin is a force in the world who cannot be ignored. Ever since Russia annexed Crimea in response to the United States- and NATO-backed coup in Ukraine, Obama and the corporate media have …

MICHAEL HUDSON – Orwell at the UN: Obama Re-Defines Democracy as a Country That Supports U.S. Policy

In his Orwellian September 28, 2015 speech to the United Nations, President Obama said that if democracy had existed in Syria, therenever would have been a revolt against Assad. By that, he meant ISIL. Wherethere is democracy, he said, there is no violence of revolution. This was his threat to promote revolution, coups and violence against any country not deemed a …

Heart of Mind Radio – 09.18.15

Susana Bastarrica is the Founder/Organizer of The Annual Vigil for International Peace and Ecology which was inspired by from the 9/11 tragedy and The United Nations Resolutions 36/67 and 55/282 and International Day of Peace. Thereafter, while she was working for the UN she became involved in the activities of the UN celebrations for Peace and The UN Staff Recreation Council. She is also an ordained Minister from the New Seminary in NYC.


Kathryn talks about a new topic: Ascension Integration and offer insights on how to navigate energetic transformation of the Ascension Era.

Kathy makes announcements about Qigong Classes and Healing Sessions.

Warrior Connection – 09.13.15


The US is using the drones in the context of the so called ‘war on terror’ to change international law. Over the last 150 years, U.S. citizens have written much of the international law that is out there, yet the U.S. generally exempts itself from those laws. Even so, this is a new trick, where by it is noted that the “Common Law” is defined by precedent (you can find this in ICRC documents on international law) and so, the U.S. now contends that if the most powerful nation in the world sets a new precedent, then so be it – that becomes the law.

The use of drones is particularly disturbing because they spy and use lethal force outside of designated war zones. This undermines those boundaries. I used this point in my testimony at one of the trials where I was a defendant. The Hague Conventions of the late 18th and early 19th centuries specifically say that if you have a weapon whose capabilities don’t fall under current international law, you can only use it in ways that abide by current law until the international community can come together and decide how it should be used. These days, the U.N. addresses these issues after the fact and the U.S. ignores the resultant treaties.

In the Hague conventions, they use the phrase “empire of the principles of international law” which can be counter-posed to “the international law of empire”. Nice language. Here’s a link to my statement – if you are interested:

and one more web site:

Israel (20,000km2) Considers the Annexation of Sinai (60,000km2) in An Act of War Against Egypt By Anthony Bellchambers

Such an aggressively expansionist move, ostensibly to deter political unrest on its southern border – which runs from Rafah to Eilat – but in reality an effort by the Netanyahu administration to become a hegemonic power in the region, would be strongly opposed by the U.S., Britain and Russia and the entire UNSC. In an action that would inevitably instigate …