There is intense push for the NATO countries to make an overt intervention in Libya. In this moment, the justification is to fight the Islamic State and to prevent terror from spreading across the Mediterranean to Europe. As is the case in matters of the destruction of African societies, the governments of Britain and France are in the forefront of …
Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya – The Syria Endgame: Strategic Stage in the Pentagon’s Covert War on Iran
With foresight and analysis, this incisive article written more than three years ago in January 2013  provides an understanding of unfolding events in Syria. Since the kindling of the conflict inside Syria in 2011, it was recognized, by friend and foe alike, that the events in that country were tied to a game plan that ultimately targets Iran, Syria’s number …
Libya, ISIS, and the Flow of Foreign Fighters –
The UN Security Council is worried about Libya—and rightly so. As we noted in February, the country has seen a doubling of Islamic State forces in recent months, and ISIS has expanded its control of territory, including Sirte, the home city of deposed leader Muammar al-Qaddafi. In a UN-issued report this week, the Security Council noted the Islamic State’s growing capacity, which has been …
Vijay Prashad – We Are Witnessing the Decline of Saudi Arabia as a Major Power
Five years ago, when the Arab Spring seemed at its most hopeful point, a Saudi diplomat told me, scornfully, that it would come to nothing. I had met him in the halls of the United Nations, where I had been asking diplomats about their views on Libya. The Saudis were eager to have the UN validate armed action to remove …
Russia hit 1,888 targets in Syria in a week; U.S. count? Just 16
BERLIN In the seven days before the announcement early Friday that a cease-fire might go into effect in Syria in another week, Russian forces hit more than 100 times as many targets within the embattled nation as a military coalition that includes the United States. Exactly how the cease-fire proposed at an international conference in Munich would work is still …
Daniel Larison – Yemen and Crimes Against Humanity
The U.N. has been investigating war crimes in the war on Yemen, and their monitors have confirmed what critics of the bombing campaign feared: A Saudi-led coalition fighting in neighboring Yemen has targeted civilians with air strikes and some of the attacks could be crimes against humanity [bold mine-DL], United Nations sanctions monitors said in an annual report to the …
Black Agenda Radio – 12.28.15
Welcome, to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective.
– A conference on the Black Radical Tradition will be held at Temple University, in Philadelphia, January 8th through the 10th. Dr. Anthony Monteiro is one of the organizers, and a keynote speaker for the event. We asked Dr. Monteiro, How alive is the Black Radical Tradition, today?
– Omali Yeshitela, chairman of the Black Is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations, is wishing a very unhappy New Year to Wall Street and U.S. Imperialism. The consensus among the corporate media and the ruling circles in the United States is that the economy is doing fine, that the U.S. is nearing full employment, and that means the government will end its policy of giving trillions of dollars in interest-free money to the banks. But Omali Yeshitela says, the system is in deep crisis.
– Earlier this year, a 27 year old teacher from Southeast Washington, DC, died at the hands of two Special Police officers. The recently formed Pan African Community Action group, or PACA, wants to take the case before the United Nations. PACA organizer Netfa Freeman explains.
FARIBORZ SAREMI – Iran’s Economy
For quite some time the Iranian people have had to endure major hardships resulting from an ailing Iranian economy, internal political bickering and most importantly harsh international sanctions applied by the US and its allies. However, a new sense of hope and optimism was engendered by the election of Rouhani to president in June 2013 and the promise that a …
Robert Parry – MH-17: The Dog Still Not Barking
The Dutch Safety Board report concludes that an older model Buk missile apparently shot down Malaysia Airline Flight 17 on July 17, 2014, but doesn’t say who possessed the missile and who fired it. Yet, what is perhaps most striking about the report is what’s not there – nothing from the U.S. intelligence data on the tragedy. The dog still …
Project Censored – 09.08.15
Authors Mark Pilisuk and Jennifer Rountree discuss their new book, “The Hidden Structure of Violence:
Who Benefits From Global Violence and War.” They contend that organized violence is not an inescapable
part of human existence, but is organized and carried out by the dominant social order to enhance its own power.
In the second half of the program, Tara Dorabji joins in to explain how violence and social control are wielded in
two of the world’s occupied lands, Palestine and Kashmir, and the role women play in preserving life and culture
in those areas, despite the occupiers’ brutality.
Marc Pilisuk teaches at Saybrook University; Jennifer Rountree works at the National Indian Child Welfare Association;
Tara Dorabji works at Youth Radio and is a contributor to the forthcoming Project Censored 2016.