Patricia Negron and I covered the latest news on the take-down of the Global Pedophile Network and discussed the numerous sexual abuse scandals at the Vatican and the current trial of Cardinal George Pell in Australia. Also questioned why known pedophiles like Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden and the Hollywood perverts and rapists are still walking around free with no …
JEFFREY ST. CLAIR – The President Who Wasn’t There: Barack Obama’s Legacy of Impotence
Barack Obama was in Brasilia on March 19, 2011, when he announced with limited fanfare the latest regime change war of his presidency. The bombing of Libya had begun with a hail of cruise missile attacks and air strikes. It was something of an impromptu intervention, orchestrated largely by Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and the diva of vengeance Samantha Power, always …
Project Censored – 01.24.17
Web site mentioned on the program:
Juan Cole – Top 10 Signs the US is the Most Corrupt Country in the World
Those ratings that castigate Afghanistan and some other poor countries as hopelessly “corrupt” always imply that the United States is not corrupt. VOA reports : While it is true that you don’t typically have to bribe your postman to deliver the mail in the US, in many key ways America’s political and financial practices make it in absolute terms far …
Steven M. Druker – The GMO Dark Act Cannot Survive the Light
An ardent attempt is afoot on Capitol Hill to prevent states from requiring the labeling of genetically engineered foods – made especially urgent by the fact that Vermont’s labeling bill is set to take effect July 1st. Although proponents of these foods scored a major victory in July when they induced the House of Representatives to pass a bill (HR …
Michael Winship – Congress Is a Confederacy of Dunces
Already we’re deep into September and Congress has reconvened in Washington, prompting many commentators to compare its return after summer’s recess to that of fresh-faced students coming back to school, sharpening their pencils, ready to learn, be cooperative and prepared for something new. For this particular Congress to cooperate and do something new would require a miracle on the order …
The Decline and Fall of the United States – David Swanson
Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice. –Robert Frost After a speech I gave this past …