Keeping Democracy Alive – AX DAY 2018: BILLIONAIRES THANK US! – 04.22.18

It’s the same only worse. Much worse. While the Trump/Ryan tax law won’t really hit until next April, there is no question the beneficiaries are those at the very top of the wealth pyramid. Regular income earners will be subsidizing the super rich at a much greater level. Our guest today explains what it does clearly and succinctly. Josh Hoxie …

Paul Buchheit – How Big Corporations Cheat Public Education

Corporations have reaped trillion-dollar benefits from 60 years of public education in the U.S., but they’re skipping out on the taxes meant to sustain the educational system. Children suffer from repeated school cutbacks. And parents subsidize the deadbeat corporations through increases in property taxes and sales taxes. Big Companies Pay about a Third of their Required State Taxes An earlier …