Progressive Radio Network

United States Department of Homeland Security

National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower Edward Snowden's 2013 mass surveillance revelations caused a drop in website browsing, particularly in internet searches for terms associated with…
Critics have long questioned why violent intervention was necessary in Libya. Hillary Clinton’s recently published emails confirm that it was less about protecting the people…
When we think of national security, we think of tanks, jets, missile defense systems and more recently, information space. But what about the realm of…
The trafficking of children and sexual slavery world-wide is a global epidemic. Most of the public’s image of such horrific examples of modern-day slavery evoke images…
For months you’ve read about EmailGate in this column. I’ve elaborated how Hillary Clinton, the apparent Democratic frontrunner for President this year, put large amounts of classified information…
On Friday, the Department of Homeland Security released updated information regarding the national identification card known as the REAL ID. Beginning January 22, 2018, all airline…
The New Year was just hours old when the administration of President Barack Obama began rounding up and deporting at least 121 people, some reportedly…
Just one week in, an indefinite hunger strike at an all-women's immigrant detention center in Texas—operated by the for-profit prison company Corrections Corporation of America—has…
To comply with the 2005 Real ID Act, which the U.S. government has been slowly implementing for the past decade, citizens in a number of…
Following several high-profile data breaches — such as those at Sony and the U.S. Office of Personnel Management — Congress is once again feeling the…
Remember when the Department of Homeland Security was issuing those color-coded terrorist alerts? Well, they don’t do that anymore.  They’re back to using plain ole black-and-white…
The United States eradicated foot-and-mouth disease from its borders in 1929. The virus, deadly to livestock, persists in more than 100 countries, though, and travels with ease. It…