Telesur – US Government Partially Funded the Panama Papers’ Leak

USAID partially funds the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, one of the core journalism organizations involved in reporting the Panama Papers. In the wake of damning claims by WikiLeaks that the United States government was behind the Panama Papers as part of a ploy to smear Russian President Vladimir Putin, a U.S. State Department spokesperson has confirmed that the …

Glenn Greenwald – A Key Similarity Between Snowden Leak and Panama Papers: Scandal Is What’s Been Legalized

FROM THE START of the reporting based on Edward Snowden’s leaked document archive, government defenders insisted that no illegal behavior was revealed. That was always false: Multiple courts have now found the domestic metadata spying program in violation of the Constitution and relevant statutes and have issued similar rulings for other mass surveillance programs; numerous articles on NSA and GCHQ documented the targeting of people and groups for blatantly political or legally impermissible purposes; and …

Ken Silverstein – Bombshell: Clinton Foundation Donor’s Flight From Justice Aided by Hillary Allies

Recent news reports indicate that the FBI is investigating former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for granting favors to her family’s foundation donors and for its systematic accounting fraud. In January, the Sunday Times of London cited former Judge Andrew Napolitano, a conservative libertarian and frequent Fox News guest, as saying that the FBI was taking evidence “seriously” and that Hillary “could hear about that soon from …

Robin Broad – Could This Lawsuit Be the Straw That Breaks the TPP’s Back?

In November 2015, just after President Obama finally stood up to the fossil fuel industry and rejected the TransCanada Corporation’s application for its tar sands pipeline through the United States, I issued a warning: In The Hill, I applauded the Obama decision and laid out the reasons why, under current trade and investment rules, TransCanada had grounds to sue the United …

William John Cox – The Scandal of Voter Suppression in America

Ostensibly, universal voting is the ideal of a free and democratic republic; however, barriers have been placed between many citizens and the ballot box ever since the creation of the United States. Many of these obstacles, such as property ownership and the racially-biased poll tax, have been removed. They are, however, being replaced by voter identification (ID) laws and other …

Vaccine Injury Claims Expected to Increase in 2016: Federal Advisory Committee Update

It came as no surprise to me that during the meeting of the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) on December 4, 2015 that the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and Division of Injury Compensation Programs (DICP) reported that the number of vaccine injury claims for this fiscal year will exceed previous years. I have monitored this committee for the …


The ban on video and audio recordings at Sirhan Sirhan’s parole hearing on February 9meant the world depended on the one reporter allowed inside the hearing to tell us what happened. He had to condense “more than three hours of intense testimony” into 854 words. Elliot Spagat’s lively account of the proceeding for the Associated Press omitted one very important document …


Now we can at least get a peek at what they have been hiding. The list was obtained in a Freedom of Information Act request by FOIA specialist Michael Ravnitzky, who alerted us. The complete list is below. You’ll note that some documents are briefly characterized by subject, while others are less clearly identified. The government has promised to release …

Lauren Wolfe – When does the violation of women’s bodies become a “red line”?

If people divide their understanding of militarized violence into normal and not normal, acceptable and not acceptable, it makes a terrible kind of sense: violence against women has been “normalized”. Two years ago I was on vacation in Maine when I started getting really, really mad. I’d been working to track sexualized violence in the Syrian war for a long …

Leid Stories – 01.11.16

In Ferguson, Detroit and Baltimore, the Ongoing Battle for Justice
Leid Stories focuses on three developing stories with something in common: a quest for justice. The American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri today files a lawsuit against the Ferguson-Florissant School District’s at-large electoral system, saying it dilutes the voting strength of African Americans in the district and violates federal law. In Detroit, about 60 public schools are closed today, the result of a sickout by teachers over pay, working conditions and substandard support for the state’s largest school district.