The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks guests are Greg Newburn, Director of State Policy for Families Against Mandatory Minimums (FAMM) and Alton Mills, who at 25 received a mandatory life-without-parole sentence for conspiracy to traffic drugs with intent to distribute. President Obama commuted Alton’s sentence on December 18, 2015, and he was released in 2016.
Nadia Prupis – 50 Groups Urge Investigation Into ‘Wild West’ of Facial Recognition Policing
Dozens of advocacy organizations are urging the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate the growing police use of facial recognition software, which the groups say violates civil liberties and disproportionately impacts people of color. In a letter sent to the Justice Department on Tuesday, a coalition of 50 organizations led by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Leadership …
Deirdre Fulton – Report Shows US Corporate Tax Dodging Still Rampant, Still Legal
A new report released Tuesday reveals how “U.S.-based multinational corporations are allowed to play by a different set of rules than small and domestic businesses or individuals when it comes to paying taxes”—to the tune of more than $100 billion every year. The analysis from the U.S. PIRG Education Fund, Citizens for Tax Justice, and the Institute on Taxation and Economic …
Henry Giroux on the Pathology of Politics in our Warfare State
Henry Giroux on the Pathology of Politics in our Warfare State September 23, 2016 Editor’s note: Living as we do in the 15th year of the war that began with Afghanistan and Iraq and has now spread to Syria, Yemen, Libya, etc. it is sometimes possible for many of us to accept the militarization of our society as just normal. …
Deutsche Bank and the global financial crisis
Deutsche Bank’s shares plunged to record lows this week, sparking talk of a government bailout to avert a new financial crash. The turmoil surrounding Germany’s biggest bank demonstrates that all of the contradictions of the global financial system that led to the meltdown of 2008 are once again erupting. Now, however, these contradictions are fuelling and intersecting with economic and …
Nomi Prins – Madoff in the White House? How Trump’s Conflicts of Interest Could Become Ours
Imagine for a moment that it’s January 2009. Bernie Madoff, America’s poster-child fraudster, has yet to be caught. The 2007-2008 financial crisis never happened. The markets didn’t tank to reveal the emptiness beneath his schemes. We still don’t know what’s lurking in his tax returns because he’s never released them, but we know that he’s a billionaire, at least on …
COLIN TODHUNTER – A System of Food Production for Human Need, Not Corporate Greed
There has been an adverse trend in the food and agriculture sector in recent times with the control of seeds and chemical inputs being consolidated through various proposed mergers. If these mergers go through, it would mean that three companies would dominate the commercial agricultural seeds and chemicals sector. Over the past couple of decades, there has already been a restriction of choice with …
Six companies are about to merge into the biggest farm-business oligopoly in history
Big farms are about to get a lot bigger. With six agricultural giants on the verge of merging into three separate companies, consumers and farmers are feeling uneasy about the global implications and how it might impact the food system. Top executives from Bayer, Monsanto, DuPont, Dow Chemical, and Syngenta today (Sept. 20) testified before the US Senate Judiciary Committee …
Nika Knight – Over 700,000 People Urge DOJ to Reject Biotech Mega-Mergers
Hundreds of thousands have signed petitions calling on the U.S. Department of Justice and elected officials to block three proposed mega-mergers of chemical and biotech behemoths: Bayer-Monsanto, Dow-Dupont, and ChemChina-Syngenta. “Additional consolidation will increase prices and further limit choices for farmers, while allowing Monsanto and friends to continue pushing a model of agriculture that has given us superweeds, superbugs, and health-harming pesticides.” —Marcia …
Rebecca Solnit – Standing Rock Protests: This Is Only the Beginning
 pioneer monument and a lot of state troopers with batons and riot helmets stood between the mostly young native activists and the North Dakota state capitol on Friday afternoon. Many of the activists arriving at the capitol’s vast green lawn hadn’t heard that the Washington DC judge had decided against the Standing Rock reservation Sioux lawsuit. That was the lawsuit …