Ray McGovern – Clinton’s Imperious Brush-off of Email Rules

State Department functionaries faced a hopeless task as they tried to spin their own Inspector General’s matter-of-fact critique of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s imperial attitude toward basic security measures everyone else is required by law to follow. It turns out that she deliberately chose to use a hacker-friendly, unprotected email server, and not so much for convenience – …

Michael Sainato – Corruption Is Catching Up to the Clintons and Their Associates

Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign chair, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, is currently under investigation by the FBI and Department of Justice over questionable contributions to his 2013 campaign. According to a recent CNN report, the investigation—which has been going on for at least a year—calls into question Mr. McAuliffe’s service as a board member to the Clinton Global Initiative, a subsidiary of the Clinton …

ERIC LICHTBLAU – Thousands Held in Federal Prisons for Too Long, Report Finds

More than 4,300 federal inmates were kept in prison beyond their scheduled release dates from 2009 to 2014 — some of them for an extra year or more, according to a report released on Tuesday that highlighted wide confusion in the prison system. The findings by the Justice Department’s inspector general are a potential embarrassment for the United States Bureau …

Matt Agorist – Investigation Finds Clinton Does Best Where Voting Machines Flunk Hacking Tests

Since the beginning of the year, the political election process has exposed Americans to more corruption and vote rigging than at any time in history. Beginning in Iowa and eventually getting blown wide open in Arizona, the fraud and suppression of votes have let Americans know that their rulers are selected not elected. In Iowa, to break the supposed ties between Clinton and …

Cable Customers Beware: This Mega-Merger Just Created a ‘Price-Gouging’ Monster

The maligned merger between Charter Communications, Time Warner Cable, and Bright House Networks is complete, which means the three companies have now become the country’s second-largest cable provider, despite months of warnings from consumer and open internet advocates who assailed it as the creation of a ‘price-gouging’ monster. Charter ultimately paid $55 million to purchase Time Warner Cable and $10.4 billion for …

Bill Quigley – America’s #1 Incarceration State

In 2014, the US Department of Justice confirmed Louisiana remained number 1 [3], among the 50 states, with 38,030 in prison, a rate of 816 per 100,000 over 100 points ahead of next highest state Oklahoma.   Because the US leads the world in incarcerating [4] its people, this means Louisiana is number one in the world.   Compare [4] Louisiana’s rate of 816 people per 100,000 with Russia’s 492, …

U.S. Chamber Works Behind the Scenes to Gut Whistleblower Protections

Efforts to gut the federal False Claims Act backed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce got a hearing on Capitol Hill Thursday. The federal push builds on previous back-door Chamber efforts through the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) to discourage states from pursuing fraud claims. The False Claims Act (FCA) allows the government to recover from businesses that defraud government programs like …

Clinton Email Scandal: Is The State Department Part Of A Hillary Cover-Up?

Corruption: The State Department filed a secret court brief in an effort to hide tens of thousands of Hillary Clinton’s emails. What is in those emails that the State Department wants to cover up? If it’s classified material, there are ways to deal with that. Many of her already released emails had classified information redacted. What’s so special about these emails …

Jay Janson – Hillary Destroyed Gaddafi And Libya’s Free Health Care And Education Sanders Wants For USA

It would seem Sanders fighting for Americans to have free health care and free education would have tempered his words about a Gaddafi who saw to his people receiving for many years what Bernie wants for Americas. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton and the pro status quo Republican candidates opposing her are perhaps already an anachronism, i.e., persons with practices that belongs …

Robert Parry – A Media Unmoored from Facts

Several weeks ago, I received a phone call from legendary investigative reporter Seymour Hersh who had seen one of my recent storiesabout Syria and wanted to commiserate over the state of modern journalism. Hersh’s primary question regarding reporters and editors at major news outlets these days was: “Do they care what the facts are?” Hersh noted that in the past – …