Leid Stories—The Clinton Foundation: Over the Top, Yet Under the Radar—08.30.16

Read most any informational material from the Clinton Foundation about what it and a laundry list of “projects” or “initiatives” it has spawned all over the world do, and you’d probably reach for your checkbook to help support their continued “good works.”

Dr Ludwig Watzal – Hillary Clinton Must Be Indicted

The Democratic candidate for the US Presidency, Hillary Clinton, is scandal-ridden. The life of the Clintons is a mere scandal starting way back with “Whitewater”.[1] To call her “crooked Hillary” seems an understatement, viewing only her four years as Secretary of State. Her judgment and her trustworthiness are nil. Never before has there been in the recent history of the United …

Paul Craig Roberts – The US: A Dead Nation Walking

I use the writings of Orlov and The Saker as checks on my own conclusions. In his article Orlov concludes that the United States is a dead nation, still walking, but no longer a uni-power. I agree with Orlov that US weapon systems are more focused on profits than on effectiveness and that Russia has superior weapons and a superior …

Expat Files – 08.28.16

#1- Latins are perpetually happy. Does that magic rub off on us too? How long does it take? Can even perpetually sour Expats “south of the border” expect an instant personality makeover? Today we discuss those conundrums

Leid Stories—The Clinton Foundation’s Billion-Dollar HIV/AIDS Boondoggle—08.17.16

Charles Ortel, a former Wall Street banker and investor who exposed General Electric’s massive fraud in 2007-2008 by proving that it had overvalued its stock by hundreds of billions of dollars, for several months has been deconstructing the highly irregular inner workings of the Clinton Foundation and related entities operating “charitable” programs all over the world.

GARY LEUPP – Finally: the Eruption of the Clinton Foundation Scandal

I confess I’d been looking forward to this. My son, following the Judicial Watch website, has been saying for months that the big email scandal will involve the State Department-Clinton Foundation ties and Hillary’s use of her office to acquire contributions from Saudi and other donors. As someone opposed to World War III (beginning in Syria and/or Ukraine), I was …

Gareth Porter – The sham rebrand of al-Qaeda’s Nusra Front

The Nusra Front’s adoption of the new name Jabhat Fateh al-Sham and claim that it has separated itself from al-Qaeda was designed to influence US policy, not to make the group any more independent of al-Qaeda. The objective of the manoeuvre was to head off US-Russian military cooperation against the jihadist group, renamed last week, based at least in part on the …

Tom Carter – Whistle-Blower Chelsea Manning: “I Became Very, Very Sad” During Torture

A 2015 interview with Amnesty International, published Tuesday in theGuardian, sheds light on the conditions faced by US Army whistleblower, political prisoner, and torture victim Chelsea Manning, who attempted suicide on July 5 and now faces a vindictive campaign of retaliation by the military. Chelsea Manning (born Bradley Manning), formerly a US Army specialist stationed in Iraq, is a whistleblower …

Gareth Porter – Hillary Clinton and Her Hawks

As Hillary Clinton begins her final charge for the White House, her advisers are already recommending air strikes and other new military measures against the Assad regime in Syria. The clear signals of Clinton’s readiness to go to war appears to be aimed at influencing the course of the war in Syria as well as U.S. policy over the remaining …

Sarah Lazare – It Is Time to Notice That Horrible Mass Bombings Are Targeting Muslims

For U.S. political and pundit classes, “radical Islamic extremism” has become a catch-all term to describe acts of mass violence committed by individuals and groups believed to be Muslim. This label has fueled the incitement against Muslims mounting during the US presidential election, which has been highlighted by Donald Trump calling [3] for a Muslim registry and a ban on Muslims from entering …