Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 12.29.16

JILL STEIN of the Green Party presidential and recount campaigns joins HARVEY W and BOB FITRAKIS to talk about how the 2016 election was stolen and what to do about it. Don’t miss this exclusive discussion.

We’re then joined by election protection activist LORI GRACE to plot a new future in the coming age.

This is an hour to remember through the challenging times to come.

This Can’t Be Happening – 12.30.15

“This Can’t Be Happening!” Guest Bret Grote, attorney with the Abolition Law Project in Pennsylvania, talks about a federal court hearing in Scranton, PA, where he and another lawyer, Robert Boyle, argued on behalf of their client, prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal, for an injunction ordering the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections to stop withholding treatment for his active case of Hepatitis-C — a potentially fatal disease that has already damaged his liver and brought on a case of adult diabetes as well as a horrific and debilitating skin disease. A ruling on that injunction is expected in weeks. If it goes in Mumia’s favor and he treatment is ordered, it could have a wide impact, not just on the estimated 10,000 state prisoners known to have the disease, but also nationwide, where Hepatitis-C is epidemic in the nation’s prisons.

This Can’t Be Happening – 12.23.15

Host Dave Lindorff and his guest, Dr. Jess Guh, the newest member of the online news collective, talk about Mumia Abu-Jamal’s court battle in federal court in Scranton to force the state’s prison system to provide him with treatment for his active and potentially fatal case of Hepatitis C. Dr. Guh, a primary car physician from Seattle who has been investigating the shoddy standard of health care in the nation’s prisons, and who has gone over somd 100 pages of Mumia’s medical record, says that what Pennsylvania and many other states are doing to prisoners in their control is nothing short of malpractice and neglece on a massive scale.

Exclusive: US Neo-Nazi Leader Says Donald Trump ‘the Real Deal’

Donald Trump, the billionaire businessman and reality TV star who has called Mexicans rapists and proposed barring Muslims from entering the United States, is currently leading every national poll for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination — and he has done more in a matter of months to advance and mainstream the ideas of neo-Nazis than self-proclaimed neo-Nazis have been able …

Eleni Roumeliotou – Male Infertility and Cellular Phones

Infertility rates are higher than ever, as is usage of cell phones. Yet, in the scientific literature, it is widely accepted and unanimously agreed on that electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones harms male sperm in many different ways.  We are probably living in the prime time of cellular phones; it’s practically impossible to find a person without (at least) one. Surely, …

Shara Rutberg – Birch of the next super drink

Brits have starting gulping birch water, with the second birch water brand having been launched earlier this year. Packed with health claims and colorful lore, will its popularity bubble into U.S. markets? After all, “Coconut water as a thirst quencher is so last year,” according to our fair, balanced and hydrated friends at Fox News, who recently featured a birch water …

Leid Stories – 09.14.15

Analyze This!: ‘News’ That’s Missing The Whole Point Kim Davis, the clerk of Rowan County, Kentucky, who refuses to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples because such unions offend her beliefs as an Apostolic Christian, returns to work today, still holding to her “moral conscience” and demanding an “accommodation” that would exempt her from affixing her name to official marriage …