It is much too early to say to what extent President Trump will enact his campaign promises as government policy and, indeed, how much he will actually be able to do in office. But every day since his election demonstrations have sprung up throughout the United States to express outrage, apprehension and dismay. Moreover, there is no doubt that once …
Leid Stories – No Defense Is An Offense: The People Are Left to Fend for Themselves Against Corruption, Imminent Fascism—11.21.16
Trump World is here, and it’s not pretty. The president-elect is shaping up his Cabinet, selecting as nominees careerists mostly of a military/national security/law-enforcement/ultraconservative/super Christian/racist bent, most of them stodgy white men who, like their patron, yearn to implement policies that will “make America great again.” That was/is dog-whistle talk from Donald Trump signaling his base of support that their objects of rage and derision would also be his; his will be a term of settling scores.
Global Alert News – 11.05.16
The power structure is continuing to fracture from within.
Sarah van Gelder – After Trump’s Victory, Stand With Your Community
There will be much to unpack about what happened in this election and the implications of a Trump presidency. And there are lots of reasons to grieve about the things we hold dear. But I want to humbly suggest we do one thing before anything else. Some of us are in far more danger, now, than others. Start off right …
Dave Lindorff – Trump’s presidency, the demise of the major parties, and the need for a new Progressive movement
Let’s look on the bright side. Donald J. Trump is the next president of the United States. His stunning victory over Hillary Clinton came after he had first crushed the Republican Party establishment, steamrollering all the candidates it put forward and defeating party leaders’ concerted efforts to deny him the nomination as he rolled up victory after victory in that …
Leid Stories—Where We Go From Here: Talking It Through—11.10.16
Whatever we think about the results of the presidential election, one thing’s for sure: it’s over and done with, and we’ve got to move on. But we should move on smartly, clearer about what this experience has taught us about our political system and our political selves.
In our continuing post-elections, Leid Stories asks: What has Election 2016 taught us? How does/will it affect our political outlook and/or actions?
Leid Stories—As Election 2016 Nears End, A Listener ‘Poll’ About the Political Process and the Future —10.18.16
Leid Stories “polls” listeners’ views about Election 2016, which, after tomorrow’s final “debate” will mercifully soon come to an end—only to begin a new chapter of political mayhem and misfortune?
JOHN W. WHITEHEAD – Uncomfortable Truths You Won’t Hear From the Presidential Candidates
The final countdown has begun to the 2016 presidential election, and you can expect to be treated to an earful of carefully crafted sound bites and political spin. Despite the dire state of our nation, however, you can rest assured that none of the problems that continue to undermine our freedoms will be addressed in any credible, helpful way by …
Leid Stories—Election 2016: What’s Shaping/Shaped Your Political Choice? (Part 2)—09.13.16
An avalanche of calls from listeners wanting to participate in yesterday’s discussion leads to Part 2 today. Leid Stories returns to our “poll” tracking attitudes about the 2016 presidential election, the issues driving it, and the combined effect on individual political decisions on Election Day and beyond.
Infectious Myth – Is the United States a Democracy – 08.23.16
David examines the problematic characteristics of the United States unique electoral system. Some of these include the embedded two party system, where third parties are allowed, but can never achieve power, and the lack of true federal elections, with most rules about the elections controlled by states or counties. The US constitution appears to act as a barrier to real and rapid reform.