"Updates on Trump/GOP tax plan, Americans having "trouble paying bills," post-1989 Russia more unequal than USSR, Eastern now colony of Western Europe, targeting finance vs…
The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks our Hosts will be Shining a Spotlight on Capitol Hill and Congressman Mark Walker, who after serving almost…
Veronica Gabrielle La Barrie is an exceptional transformational coach, speaker, author, consultant, writer and facilitator. A pioneer in the study and teaching of A Course…
Global trends forecaster Gerald Celente discusses: a new approach to gun control; the hypocritical treatment of the Catalonia crisis in the news; the Military “tough…
Listen to Charles Derber, , a professor of sociology at Boston College, whose new book, Welcome to the Revolution, features contributions from Gar Alperovitz, Medea…
In today’s episode of Nature Bats Last on PRN.LIVE new host Kevin Hester interviews the shows founder, Professor Guy McPherson and they discuss the unfolding catastrophe in…