More than one-third of U.S. adults have a combination of health problems collectively known as metabolic syndrome that increase the risk of heart diseaseand diabetes, according to new research. What’s worse, the researchers found the rate of metabolic syndrome increases dramatically with age. Almost half of people 60 or older in the United States have metabolic syndrome, the study found. “That’s concerning, …
Awe may promote altruistic behavior
Inducing a sense of awe in people can promote altruistic, helpful and positive social behavior according to research published by the American Psychological Association. “Our investigation indicates that awe, although often fleeting and hard to describe, serves a vital social function. By diminishing the emphasis on the individual self, awe may encourage people to forgo strict self-interest to improve the …
Chemtrails, Aerosol Geoengineering and Bioengineering: A Massive Biological Experiment of Unknown Purpose – Prof. James F. Tracy
“The ultimate solution is a multiplication of leverage by citizens to the point where it simply cannot be denied”. –Clifford Carnicom The materials disbursed in stratospheric aerosol geoengineering operations contain a combination of ionizable metallic salts, filaments, gel-type materials, and crystals. These are the longstanding and deeply interrogated observations of independent environmental research scientist Clifford Carnicom given on a December …
Drug Industry Attacks Bioidentical Hormones Again – Jeffrey Dach
Just when things have calmed down, the drug industry opens a new salvo in its war against bioidentical hormones, perceived as stealing market share from their women’s hormone pill, Prempro, currently in litigation for causing cancer and heart disease. The attack article appeared in the Huffington Post by Phyllis Greenberger, CEO of Society for Women’s Health Research (SWHR), an industry-sponsored mouthpiece that …
Persistent low wages cost US taxpayers approximately $153 billion every year in public support to working families, according to a new report that details, for the first time, the state-by-state costs. Following decades of wage cuts and health benefits rollbacks, more than half of all state and federal spending on public assistance programs (56 percent) now goes to working families, …
Awe-Inspiring Moments Lower Inflammation Marker Cytokines, Positively Impact Health
The beauty of a night sky or painting may lower risk for inflammation, found a studypublished in the journal Emotion. Researchers conducted two experiments designed to measure the affect positive emotions, such as amusement, awe, compassion, contentment, joy, love, and pride, have on the cytokine Interleukin-6 (IL-6), a marker for inflammation. More than 200 young adults participated in the experiments, mostly self-reporting …
Fracking Boom Accompanied by Rise of Silent, Deadly Carcinogen in Homes: Study
Researchers in Pennsylvania have discovered that the prevalence of radon, a radioactive and carcinogenic gas, in people’s homes and commercial buildings that are nearer to fracking sites has increased dramatically in the state since the unconventional and controversial gas drilling practice began in the state just over a decade ago. “By drilling 7,000 holes in the ground, the fracking industry …
Anesthetic gases raise Earth’s temperature (a little) while you sleep
The gases used to knock out surgery patients are accumulating in the Earth’s atmosphere, where they make a small contribution to climate change, report scientists who have detected the compounds as far afield as Antarctica. Over the past decade, concentrations of the anesthetics desflurane, isoflurane and sevoflurane have been rising globally, the new study finds. Like the well-known climate warmer …
A Happy Life or a Meaningful One? They Are Not the Same
Americans and the American social scientists who study them are obsessed withhappiness. What gets less attention is the perhaps deeper experience of meaningfulness. The two experiences are correlated – people who feel happy often feel that their lives are meaningful. Yet, a happy life is not the same as a meaningful one. In research(link is external) designed to distinguish between a happy …
The rise of Big Breast Milk: A boon for healthy babies or exploitative of low-income mothers?
I witnessed the power of breast milk — as a magic health elixir and apparent social lubricant — earlier this month when my friend, while playing with her young son, was approached by a stranger and asked if she was breast-feeding. It went something like this: “Hey, this is a crazy question, but are you breastfeeding?” “I am.” “Can I …