Resistance Radio – Gordon Grigg – 03.06.16

Gordon Grigg enjoyed a career as an academic zoologist who managed to spend a lot of time working in the field. Apart from interests in crocodylians that go back to 1971, he studied thermoregulatory biology of free-ranging echidnas and platypus in Australias high country, and flew aerial surveys of kangaroo populations for nearly 30 years. His PhD came from a study of fish biology at the University of Oregon. He then had 20 years on the academic staff at the University of Sydney followed by 20 years at the University of Queensland where he is now an Emeritus Professor. (A well balanced career!) His primary research interests are in vertebrate zoology, particularly their physiology, ecology and evolution and he has authored or co-authored about 200 peer-reviewed publications, about one quarter of which are on crocodylians. Today we talk about crocodylians.

Will warning labels scare parents away from soda?

Health warning labels like those found on cigarette and other tobacco products could have a powerful effect on whether parents buy soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages for their kids. Findings of a new study—the first of its kind to examine the influence of warning labels—shows that regardless of a parent’s level of education, they may be significantly less likely to …

Brian K Sullivan – The Strongest El Nino in Decades Is Going to Mess With Everything

It has choked Singapore with smoke, triggered Pacific typhoons and left Vietnamese coffee growers staring nervously at dwindling reservoirs. In Africa, cocoa farmers are blaming it for bad harvests, and in the Americas, it has Argentines bracing for lower milk production and Californians believing that rain is finally, mercifully on the way. Its effects are just beginning in much of …

Longevity Doctor: ‘Fountain of Youth’ Medicine Hyped by Big Pharma Might Cause Premature Aging, Death – Martha Rosenberg

Are you a man experiencing decreased sex drive? Are your erections less strong? [3] Is your body fat increasing and your muscle mass decreasing? Are you fatigued and lack energy? Are you sad and grumpy and experiencing less mental clarity? If so, a lot of marketing these days claims you may be suffering from “Low T”—low levels of the testosterone, the male hormone. While a …