California One Step Closer to Eliminating Vaccine Exemptions

Last week, the California Education Committee voted in favor of SB 277, a bill that would eliminate all personal belief exemptions to vaccination. Under this law, the only way for a child to attend public school without being vaccinated would be through a very difficult to get medical waiver. We and others issued alerts to our California members, but the large …

Australia: Everybody Must Get Vaccinated, Except the Prime Minister’s Daughters – Jon Rappoport

Meet vaccine refuser, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott We’re talking about Tony Abbott, who just ruled from on high that there are no more exemptions from vaccines in Australia. No more conscientious objections, no more religious exemptions. Only the rare medical exemption, permitted by a doctor. And suddenly, every family who refuses vaccinations for their children will lose up to …

Six Month-Old Baby Dies Just Five Days After Receiving 13 Vaccines – Christina England

Imagine being emotionally blackmailed by your doctor to have your baby vaccinated with a lethal cocktail of 13 vaccines, which included two doses of the DTaP, three doses of the oral rotavirus vaccine and two doses of the polio vaccination. It sounds impossible, doesn’t it? However, this is exactly what happened to Alisa Neathery when she took her six month-old …

Autism and the Microbiome: Following the Clues of Damage – PART 1 – Teresa Conrick

I have a daughter who has a diagnosis of both  AUTISM and AUTOIMMUNITY. They are connected and not just for her but for thousands like her. Megan regressed after receiving a Thimerosal-containing Hib vaccine and the MMR vaccine in 1994 – crying, fever, full body rash, GI distress, losing speech, receptive language, eye contact and skills.  It also began the …

Are New Vaccine Mandates Designed to Target the Poor? – Joshua Krause

Ever since the measles outbreak in Disneyland, there has been a determined effort by legislators in California, to repeal the state’s current vaccine exemptions. If they succeed, the only way parents can skip their children’s vaccinations, is if there is an acceptable medical reason. As you can imagine, those who are deeply concerned over the safety and efficacy of vaccines have …


To kick off National Infant Immunization Week, the U.S. Surgeon General teamed up with Sesame Street and Elmo for behavior placement directed at your children. Apparently, the campaign seeks to convince the real decision makers when it comes to childhood and infant vaccination; the children and infants. Having undertones of plain creepiness throughout the advertisement, the Surgeon General implies to your children and Elmo …

Why the Climate Change Debate Is Not Like the Vaccine Debate – Dan Olmsted

The things you have to think about when you get involved in the vaccine safety issue! Lately I’ve been wondering about the state of the global warming debate, prompted by vaccine injury deniers who say ideas like ours are so goofy they are similar to denying that global warming is real. This week, I was forwarded a release from Voices …

Lawsuit: Nursing Student Claims College Instructed Them to Threaten Patients into Receiving Vaccines – Adan Salazar

At least two instructors at a medical college in Michigan taught lessons instructing students to intimidate patients into receiving vaccinations, a lawsuit claims. Filed in the Genesee Circuit Court on April 6, the suit alleges a teacher at Baker College in Flint taught her students to exhaust various methods of coercion in order to pressure patients into getting innoculated. “She …