Only 14% of people in Disneyland measles outbreak were unvaccinated, but it’s 100% their fault, claims propaganda

A new study published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics claims to delineate the source and spread of measles during the widely hyped Disneyland measles outbreak, of course blaming the unvaccinated for this ridiculous non-event. But the data points presented in the study reveal that the vast majority of those who caught measles had previously been vaccinated, and yet the outbreak is still somehow …

Offit Jumps Shark, Orders Starbucks, Plays Armchair Psychologist in Support of Oregon Bill

Senate Bill 442, since defeated in Oregon, had some high-powered supporters. Oregon activists recently unearthed the testimony of Dr. Paul Offit, a resident of Pennsylvania, who put together an extraordinary letter. It’s worth noting that Paul Offit is one of the primary architects of the thinking and logic behind the nationwide attempts to end vaccine exemptions, its remarkable to see …

Propagandists Have Infiltrated Every Segment of Academia and Social Media To Confuse Consumers Who Seek Accurate Information About Health

The long anticipated cultural war over vaccines initiated by governments on behalf of the pharmaceutical industrial complex is steadily increasing in intensity. Contrary to innate human rights, mandatory initiatives to vaccinate the entire population have spawned well over one hundred bills across 36 states. How any sane person can still believe that the vaccination movement is one of benevolence or …

Susan McCreadie, MD: I Rest Easier NOT Vaccinating my Children

Since finishing my pediatric training, I have come to realize that you can find evidence to support your decision to vaccinate or not to vaccinate. When I started my pediatric practice fresh out of residency, I was a primary care physician and offered vaccinations to those families who chose to vaccinate their children. I actually gave the children the vaccines …

Breaking News: Whooping cough outbreak in only vaccinated children

 An alarming outbreak of pertussis (whooping cough) is currently sweeping through the Park City, Utah area. And the news is not good for the vaccine industry – as you’ll soon see. This whooping cough outbreak marks the first time in many years that the area has experienced even one case of pertussis. So far, 19 kids have been diagnosed with the illness. Is the pertussis …

Breaking News: Whooping cough outbreak in only vaccinated children

By, Natural Health 365 An alarming outbreak of pertussis (whooping cough) is currently sweeping through the Park City, Utah area. And the news is not good for the vaccine industry – as you’ll soon see. This whooping cough outbreak marks the first time in many years that the area has experienced even one case of pertussis. So far, 19 kids …

Lawmakers declare vaccines essential to ‘national security’ after taking money from Big Pharma

Like clockwork, the Disneyland measles false flag has predictably evolved into a national call for medical fascism, as politicians from both sides of the aisle unequivocally throw their support behind the jab agenda, which is right now pushing to eliminate vaccine exemptions and force everyone in America to get vaccinated. The absurdly titled “Vaccines Save Lives” initiative declares into existence …

Why is the Mainstream Media Ignoring Measles Vaccine Fraud Cases?

The current measles outbreak and measles vaccines are a hot topic of debate raging in both the mainstream and alternative media. However, it would appear that the mainstream media’s reporting on this issue is leaving out some very important facts that for some reason they do not seem to want to report. Given the severity of the issue and the …

Pertussis outbreak at Salinas school among fully vaccinated

In less than one month, four students at Monterey Park School have been diagnosed with pertussis, or whooping cough. Principal Brian Hayes and school officials met with parents to offer information and answer questions. “There really hasn’t been a feeling of fear. It’s been more of ‘what can we do to stop this?’” he said. “This is serious for parents …

Vaccine witch hunt accelerates as city council members told they cannot have opinions on vaccines unless the opinions match official propaganda

A member of the Spokane, Washington, City Council says he was threatened with removal from a health panel if he espoused anything other than the consensus view that vaccines for children should be mandatory. In an interview with local CBS affiliate KREM, Councilman Mike Fagan says other council members called on him to resign from the Board of Health following …