World Health Organization Vaccine Recommendations: Scientific Flaws, or Criminal Misconduct?

While much information concerning World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations on vaccines, particularly against hepatitis B, remains secret, there is sufficient evidence in the open literature to suggest scientific incompetence, misconduct, or even criminal malfeasance. The benefits are overstated and toxicity greatly understated. Influenza vaccine recommendations falsely imply that the available vaccines could help prevent avian influenza. After the universal campaign …

Former Merck doctor says Gardasil vaccine is deadly

As parents increasingly feel pressured to expose their children to the harms of the Gardasil vaccine, evidence continues to grow that they need to stand their ground. The very vaccine that government officials and physicians alike are pushing on families is being further exposed as a pharmaceutical product that a growing list of experts characterize as overly expensive, ineffective and potentially …

New government draft: National adult immunization plan exposed

Vaccines are a hot topic in the United States right now, with doctors, scientists, and now even the media and lawmakers pushing for new regulations that strip away rights and pressure Americans into getting immunizations simply because the government has deemed them ‘safe’. While vaccines for children have long been the goal, the government has recently put a new group …

White men meet in London to plot ways of profiting off Africa’s seed systems

A meeting is to be held in London on 23 March by predominantly white men with a sprinkling of Africans, some of whom represent private seed companies, to discuss how to make a killing off Africa’s seed systems. Farmers and civil society organisations have not been invited to the meeting, which will be attended only by private seed companies, donors, …

Selling Pandemic: Sound Science versus Propaganda Alchemy

By, Richard Gale & Gary Null October 26, 2009 In any discussion about swine flu, one must walk a very narrow line. On the one hand, it is both necessary and prudent to prepare for the possibility of a pandemic that could infect, sicken or kill large numbers of individuals. Therefore it is completely understandable, even appreciable, that President Obama …

What About the Immunocompromised?

Immunocompromised: immune system suppression due to any medical condition, drug or treatment. Proclaiming the need to protect immunocompromised children from the unvaccinated is the cause du jour, isn’t it? Let’s force-vaccinate the American population of children in order to protect all of their immune-deficient classmates. Herd immunity! Protect those that can’t be vaccinated by vaccinating those who can! What does …

Flu Vaccine-Related Miscarriages May Outnumber Swine Flu Deaths

By, Dr. Gary Null February 12, 2010 Lucy was having a normal, healthy pregnancy without any complications until she received the H1N1 vaccination. On a pregnancy support website, she commented, “I should be 11 weeks pregnant today. I had an appointment with my OB/GYN and was told (from info of ultrasound) that my baby stopped growing on the exact day …

Kick Kids Out of Head Start if They Aren’t Vaccinated on the Government’s Schedule?

There’s a new front in the push to mandate vaccinations—this time on underprivileged children. We need to stop it NOW. Action Alert! [1] A new bill, expected to be introduced in Congress this week, would require that all children in Head Start programs be fully vaccinated unless medical reasons exempt them. The bill, “A Head Start on Vaccinations Act,” would give parents …