Michelle Goldstein – Why MOST Medical Doctors Blindly Recommend Vaccinations

Multiple reasons explain why the vast majority of medically trained physicians support vaccinations. Physicians receive the majority of their training during medical school, which is heavily influenced by pharmaceutical companies and government institutions such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Both pharmaceutical companies and government organizations support a misguided agenda in which vaccinations are promoted as a …

Christina England – Are Ineffective New Meningitis B Vaccines Causing Harm to Children?

With U.S. doctors questioning the safety and effectiveness of the new meningitis B vaccines in a shocking San Diego Union Tribune [1] news report, we need to ask ourselves whether or not our children are more at risk from the vaccine, than they are from the disease itself. This is a real possibility because according to the Tribune, risk of catching the disease …

Why pharmaceutical firms may prefer to invest in drugs over vaccines

HANOVER, N.H. – March 2, 2016 – When it comes to addressing disease, many industry observers and public health advocates believe that pharmaceutical companies prefer to invest in drugs rather than vaccines, as preventives are perceived to be inherently less profitable. A Harvard-Dartmouth study on preventives versus treatments published in theQuarterly Journal of Economics and recently summarized in “VOX EU”, offers a …

Gary Null – HPV Vaccines: Unnecessary and Lethal

Every parent desires only the best for their children, which is why most parents insist that their children, primarily girls but now also boys, receive the three-shot series of HPV vaccines. Parents do this because there is the unchallenged assumptions that vaccine public mandates and physician recommendations are founded upon sound scientific and medical principles of safety and efficacy. This …

The Gary Null Show – 02.26.16

Gary gives you the latest in Health and Nutrition. Gary then discusses the latest news going on in the world and plays two great You Tube clips as well. The two You Tube clips are in the post when you open this. Enjoy.

Vaccine Injury Claims Expected to Increase in 2016: Federal Advisory Committee Update

It came as no surprise to me that during the meeting of the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) on December 4, 2015 that the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and Division of Injury Compensation Programs (DICP) reported that the number of vaccine injury claims for this fiscal year will exceed previous years. I have monitored this committee for the …

HPV Vaccine Rate At Lowest Participation, Dropping More Than 50 Percent Since The Inception of The Program

Vaccination rates are steadily decreasing worldwide, and as more parents now become informed of one of the most unscientific vaccines in the history of vaccination, the HPV vaccine uptake is now dropping more than 50 percent since its introduction in 2006. Two centuries of UK, USA and Australian official death statisticshave shown conclusively and scientifically that modern medicine is not responsible for …

Rishma Parpia – Questioning the CDC’s Childhood Vaccine Schedule: Vaccine Combinations Never Tested for Safety

On the issue of vaccines, there is an abundance of dialogue on ingredients and herd immunity, etc., but what really is the fundamental problem at the heart of this debate? It is because state legislatures mandate vaccines, consequently denying individuals the right to informed consent—the right to make personal choices about vaccination for themselves and their children. While some parents …

Michelle Goldstein – The Perfect Storm: Vaccination and Modern Malnutrition

We have the perfect storm for creating an environment that will continue to injure and destroy the health of our most precious gifts, our children. We live in America, which is the most highly vaccinated country on the planet. Vaccinations alone are responsible for tremendous health damage. We are also a country that consumes a highly processed, sugar-laden, vitamin-deficient diet, …

Barbara Loe Fisher – Recently Vaccinated Kids Are Spreading Whooping Cough Everywhere

There was fuss in the media last month about a little study of 26 vaccinated Florida pre-schoolers, who got sick with B. pertussiswhooping cough or had pertussis-like symptoms during a five-month period in 2013.1 All of the children, aged one to five years attending the Tallahassee preschool, had received three to four doses of pertussis vaccine (DtaP) according to the CDC recommended schedule. …