KAYLA MARTIN – The vaccine may be worse than the disease

The Centers for Disease Control recommend 69 doses per child, which is a lot of chemicals.   I was pro-vaccine before the birth of my granddaughter, but I am now concerned at the number of recommended vaccines our children are being exposed to, as well as the safety of these vaccines. The Centers for Disease Control recommend 69 doses for …

Is the Gardasil Vaccine Killing 1 out of every 733 Healthy Adolescents?

Marcella Piper-Terry shared: “Have you heard about the new diagnostic criteria? It’s called Sudden Adolescent/Adult Death Syndrome (SAADS). Just like Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), SAADS frequently occurs within a few hours or a few days of vaccination. By the way… Did you know children in the United States are the most highly vaccinated children in the world? And did …

The Gary Null Show – 12.02.15

Minister Tony Muhammad is the Western Regional Representative of the Nation of Islam and a prominent figure behind the organizing of the Million Man marches. Recently has been spearheading efforts to counter California’s and federal efforts to remove vaccine exemptions and enforce mandatory vaccines on increasingly numbers of children and adults. Since the mid-1990s, Minister Tony has strived to introduce programs dealing with urban social problems in Los Angeles African and minority communities, including peace efforts to ease turf wars by rivaling gangs and put an end to street violence. He has been featured in the documentaries Crips and Bloods: Made in the USA, and The Nature of Existence which introduces the world’s philosophies and spiritual traditions. More recently Tony has been mobilizing the African American and minority communities to take a stance against repressive vaccine laws and to increase awareness about vaccine’s adverse effects to minority communities. The website is JusticeOrElse.com

Patrice La Vigne – Are Vaccine Mandates Creating a Class System in the Workplace?

As we are nearing 2020, it’s a fair question to check in on how close the nation is to reaching the targets set by Healthy People 2020. Perhaps the more important question is how these goals may be creating a discriminatory class system separating the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated in the workplace. National Crusade for Mandatory Workplace Vaccination Many consider the …

Amanda Froelich – Kenyan Doctors Find Anti-Fertility Agent In UN Tetanus Vaccine

The Kenya Catholic Doctors Association had six tetanus vaccinations from around Kenya tested, and 100% of them tested positive for the HCG antigen. The Kenya Catholic Doctors Association is charging UNICEF and WHO with sterilizing millions of girls and women under cover of an anti-tetanus vaccination program sponsored by the Kenyan government. While the government claims the tetanus vaccine is …

Fearless Parent Radio – Pediatric Autoimmune & Neuropsych Disorders – 11.11.15

Imagine that your healthy, happy child contracts a common illness and, seemingly overnight, becomes a different child, with emotional outbursts, physical aggression, strange body movements and vocalizations, and other surprising behaviors.

Parents are perplexed and wringing their hands. They are witnessing dramatic and worrisome transformations in their previously healthy children.

The sequence goes something like this:

Infectious agents, environmental exposures, or other triggers are involved.
There’s an unintended immune or autoimmune response that results in brain inflammation.
The inflammation provokes severe, uncontrollable, and undesirable behaviors. These include OCD/tics, anxiety, sensory processing difficulties, and changes in varied areas, from cognition and personality, to handwriting and eating habits.
Doctors don’t know what to make of it, let alone how to treat your child. But parents, registering that their children are in desperate need of help, are on the front lines of this condition that has become common enough to merit a name: Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome(PANS). You may be more familiar with the variant, called Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcus Infections (PANDAS). Many parents have been stunned to learn that their children have sky high ASO and Anti DNAase B titers showing strep infection.

Then what? Parents have questions:

Barbara Lo Fisher – Vaccine Injury Compensation: Government’s Broken Social Contract with Parents

Three decades ago, Congress created a federal vaccine injury compensation program (VICP) and gave the pharmaceutical and medical trade industries a partial product liability shield under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. The goal was simple: to restrict civil lawsuits against vaccine manufacturers and negligent doctors whenever government mandated vaccines injure and kill Americans. 1 In the 21st century, Congress …

Augustina Ursino – Indiana Baby Dies in His Sleep Days After Receiving 6 Vaccine Doses

With great sadness, a Columbia City, Indiana, family shared with us that their infant son recently lost his life after receiving routine vaccinations and Tylenol. One year-old Michael Whitesell loved playing with his older brother, Keegan. They were always together. No one predicted they would be forced apart after Baby Michael was vaccinated. Michael Eugene Whitesell was born on September …

The Gary Null Show – 11.04.15

John Gilmore is the Executive Director of the Autism Action Network, a national, not-profit, grassroots advocacy organization that influences legislation and public policy on a wide range of issues impacting the autism community, including access to healthcare, health insurance reform, special education, vaccine rights and civil rights of the disabled. His organization works at the state, federal and sometimes local level to influence the lives of people with autism and their families. Founded as A-CHAMP in 2005, initial efforts focused on the partially successful campaign to ban mercury as an ingredient in vaccines. Mr. Gilmore has a Master’s Degree in Public Policy from the Graduate School of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkley. He lives in Long Beach, NY with his wife and two teenage sons, one who vaccine injury as an infant and is diagnosed with autism. For further information, his organization’s website is AutismActionNetwork.org and on Facebook

Rita Palma is a parent advocate for vaccine exemptions and the founder of My Kids My Choice, which assists parents to navigate New York State immunization exemption laws and to oppose vaccine mandates. Rita is very familiar with the obstacles and frustration in going through religious waiver to immunization in New York State, even though such waivers remain legal in the state. She has three children and has gone up against the corruption of the state and educational systems regarding vaccination. Her website is MyKidsMyChoice.com

Mary Carolan – Court told of ‘horrendous adverse effects’ of HPV vaccine

A mother who claims her daughter suffered “horrendous adverse effects” after receiving the HPV vaccine against cervical cancer has brought legal proceedings. Fiona Kirby, Kilbeggan, Co Westmeath, is a member of a parents support group, REGRET (Reaction and Effects of Gardasil Resulting in Extreme Trauma), for those who claim their teenage girls became ill after getting the vaccine. Ms Kirby, …