Vaccines deliver 4,925 mcg of aluminum by 18 months, safe limit is 25 mcg

While parents across the country are led to believe they are doing the best thing for their children by vaccinating them according to a childhood vaccination schedule, the little known fact is that those vaccines can introduce toxic aluminum into the body at nearly 200 times the safe level. Keep reading – to see for yourself the undeniable truth. Scientists …

Viera Scheibner – Media Blackouts Continue Concealing Truth about Vaccine-driven Diseases Destroying Herd Immunity

Do We Need a New Approach to Vaccine Recommendations? Wouldn’t it be More Logical to Stop all Vaccination Instead? Perusing the history of any vaccination based on the study of medical research literature provides irrefutable evidence that all vaccines have obviously and evidently failed as means of preventing infectious diseases. Crowcroft et al (2015) quite recently wrote, Read More

Makia Freeman – Mandatory Vaccinations: Medical Fascism Approaching Fast!

Mandatory vaccinations are afoot as California has just achieved the horrific distinction of becoming the first state in the US to introduce compulsory vaccinations for both children and adults (bills SB277 and SB792 respectively). This goes to show that the NWO (New World Order) agenda of collectivism andmedical fascism is fast approaching. There is no more time to sit on the …

Heather Callaghan – HPV Vaccine Mandated for All Rhode Island Middle School Students

Boy or girl. Public school or private school. If the Rhode Island child is middle-school age, it is now mandatory to receive a Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. The jab would most likely be a Gardasil shot, made by Merck – studied for less than two years in about 1,200 children under age 16 before it became licensed and fast-tracked by the …

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – Vaccines, Mercury & Dirty Money

I am pro-vaccine. I had all of my six children vaccinated. I believe that vaccines save millions of lives. So let me explain why I edited the book “Thimerosal: Let The Science Speak,” which exposes the dangerous – and wholly unnecessary – use of the mercury-based preservative thimerosal in vaccines being given to millions of children and pregnant women here …

The Real Story Behind The Anti-Vaccine Billboards That Are Going Viral

An Indiana father discovered his efforts to honor the life of his lost vaccine-injured daughter were recently vandalized, when a billboard he ordered was thoughtlessly spray painted by two men. If these criminals knew the heartache this father has faced during his daughter’s 36-year battle with vaccine injuries, compassion and common sense would dictate that they would not have committed …

If vaccines don’t cause brain damage, why is GlaxoSmithKline paying out $63 million to vaccine victims? by Jennifer Lilley

Since the swine flu panic that was widespread in 2009, prompting more than 60 million people to get vaccinated against it, countless amounts of individuals – predominantly children – have developed a range of health conditions. Mainly, brain damage has been the issue; everything from sleep disturbances and memory impairments to hallucinations and mental illness have been experienced by those …

Dangerous new vaccine legislation pushed by the United States federal government

According to the “Vaccinate All Children Act of 2015” (H.R. 2232), the United States federal government wants to take away all religious and philosophical exemptions or, in order words, require every school age child to get vaccinated – whether you like it or not. Simply put, if this legislation gets passed – parents will lose their right to decide what’s …

California’s Vaccine Mandate: ‘Too broad to be constitutional’: Opposing view – Mike Gatto

I swore an oath to uphold the U.S. and California constitutions. Sometimes, that means voting against “responsible” bills that nevertheless represent government overreach. California’s broad new mandate, that a child cannot attend school unless vaccinated for 10 conditions and “any other disease deemed appropriate,” was such an occasion. The legislation affects four fundamental rights: to parent one’s children; to refuse …

A Measles Death, Vaccines, and the Media’s Failure to Inform by Jeremy R. Hammond

Last week, it was widely reported in the mainstream media that the autopsy of a woman who died of pneumonia earlier this year in the state of Washington found that she had been infected with measles, making this the first confirmed case of measles-related death in the US since 2003. Playing its usual role, the mainstream media is up in …