Caryn Hartglass & Gary De Mattei, Tune In Love!
REAL Founders talk about what to do on Valentine’s Day: Fall in love with yourself and go vegan!
Below you'll find a list of all posts that have been tagged as “Valentine’s Day”
Caryn Hartglass & Gary De Mattei, Tune In Love!
REAL Founders talk about what to do on Valentine’s Day: Fall in love with yourself and go vegan!
Valentine’s Day show with Meria & Laurie Handlers – Sex & Happiness
Michael Jonas and Brad Coates discuss ROMANCE as we ramp up to Valentine’s Day. Michael Jonas, co-creator of many romantic games – – joined Dr. Diana for the first half-hour. The same free downloads were offered again: go to his website and get a copy of either Romantic Interlude or Make-a-Date, using the code word Wiley. These games truly promote playful touch and supportive communication! To quote one enthusiastic user: “This game really helped us appreciate taking time to explore each other.” Brad Coates, author of “DIVORCE with DECENCY,” knows a thing or two about the importance of romance. He joined the program for the second half. We enjoyed Michael’s quote: “Texting and Tweeting is not touching and talking!” Most people need emotional and physical intimacy where they can turn off the world and turn each other on. Many are touch deprived and they yearn to talk more! Shared time becomes essential the more complex our daily lives become. On Valentine’s Day – or any day – always choose love, always choose love, always choose love!