Meria Heller – Awaken with Meria & Monnica – 07.30.17

Awaken with Meria and Monnica. Metaphysical storytelling and teaching at it’s best with Monnica Sepulveda & Meria. Fear and frequencies; don’t give into fear;”false evidence appearing real” or “forever experiencing alternative reality”; worry accomplishes nothing; setting intentions daily; the Bermuda Triangle experience; walking the talk; message for Fernando;meditation;how to look at the yearly theme of your life (numerology); personal years and their meanings; free …

Heart of Mind Radio – 04.22.17

Program Description: On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis celebrates MOTHER EARTH DAY with an interview with Gudrun Pensulin, author of Healing Spirituality, A Practical Guide to Understanding and working with Bach Flowers, Healing with Bach Flower Mandalas, and creator of the 2 DVD set Herbal Pharmacy for Everyone. “My joy and passion is to encourage others on …

Resistance Radio – Sarah Mah – 01.22.17

Sarah Mah is a ‘third generation’ Canadian-born Chinese woman raised in Vancouver, BC. Her family was among the early Chinese immigrants levied the head tax in the late 1800’s, as well as those who left rural China in the 1950’s in search of a better life in Canada. Formally trained in genetics and epidemiology and now pursuing a PhD, her feminist activism began as a front-line anti-violence worker at a rape crisis centre and transition house, and she continues her work as a member of the Asian Women Coalition Ending Prostitution.

D. WATKINS – Why are cops OK with killing black people? Because American history teaches that we aren’t fully human

Last April Terrill Thomas, a 38-year-old inmate in the Milwaukee County Jail suffering from severe mental illness, died of “profound dehydration.” He spent his last days pleading — begging — for something to drink, after the water in his cell was shut off. Corrections officers in the jail had no problem torturing him, watching him die slowly and painfully because …

The Gary Null Show – 08.31.16

Today On The Gary Null Show, Gary opens up the program with the latest in health and healing. Gary also plays some audio clips covering how EpiPen makers pay for Clinton Foundation admin costs and how Former Clinton/Gore political consultant Naomi Wolf explains why we should be skeptical of overly theatrical news stories. Propaganda is legal! This took place at the 2014 Free State Project’s Liberty Forum. In the second half of the program Gary Null speaks with guest Dr. Mari Swingle on How i-technology – excessive use of mobile phones, computers, gaming and social media are altering our brains and behavior. Dr. Mari Swingle is a board certified neurotherapist with extensive experience in the worlds of education and clinical psychology. In 1997 she founded the Swingle Clinic in Vancouver, British Columbia – a state of art psychoneurophysiological clinic dedicated to a biological approach to healing neurological and brain disorders including ADHD, depression, addictions, PTSD, stroke, brain injury and many others. Her clinic also works with brain optimization techniques for persons seeking to enhance their mental and learning skills. A substantial amount of her practice has dealt with children struggling with learning and behavioral problems. During her practice she observed an emerging trend, she terms i-interference, whereby more and more people show mental and behavioral changes due to excessive use of screen-based technologies. Today, Dr. Swingle is recognized as one of the few international experts on the effects of i-technology upon brain biology and behavior. She is the author of “i-Minds: How Cell Phones, Computers, Gaming and Social Media are Changing Our Brains, Our Behavior and the Evolution of Our Species.” Mari’s website is

Arun Gupta – The West Coast Is the World’s 5th Largest Economy. Can it Unite to Stop Big Oil?

Rex Parris, the three-term Republican mayor of Lancaster, California, is no squishy liberal. “I believe when you walk out the door of your home, you should be safe. I think capitalism is the best economic system we have available, and the United States should have the strongest military in the world.” But when it comes to climate change, Parris calls …


The top ten most watched TED talks are, in order, about: Creativity Confidence Motivation Vulnerability The Brain Really Cool Technology Orgasm Motivation Motivation Really Cool Science But actually the top ten TED talks are all about you. They’re about the way that ideas can transform your life. They’re about the way you feel when you watch them. They’re about all the …