Verizon Calls in SWAT Team to Keep Exploited Overseas Workers Under Wraps

Representatives from the Communications Workers of America (CWA), the union whose members are currently engaged in a weeks-long strike against Verizon for its “corporate greed,” say they discovered this week that the communications behemoth has publicly lied about the extent of its offshoring of jobs. “When our members uncovered how Verizon is padding its incredible profit margins by replacing good paying American …

Alternative Visions – Verizon Workers’ Strike and How Corporations Are Destroying US Jobs – 04.15.16

Jack Rasmus discusses the strike of 36,000 communication workers that began this week at Verizon Communications and how it reflects the radical destruction by corporations of decent jobs in the US that has been occurring since the 1990s. Jack calculates 52 million of the total 157 million jobs in the US labor force today are some form of ‘contingent’ or so-called ‘alternative work’ arrangements, paying substandard wages and few if any benefits. The Verizon strike represents worker-union efforts to stop corporate conversion of full time regular jobs to ‘contingent,’ outsourced, contract work. Jack discusses a recent Princeton Univ. study that shows temp and independent contract jobs have risen by 9.4 million just since 2005—i.e. more than the total increase in new jobs (9.1m) over the same period. Full time contingent jobs now total 23.6m, according to the Princeton study. Add to that 26 m more in part time contingent employment, plus another 8.2m unemployed and more than 60 million US workers now earn less than full time wages and virtually no benefits. And more if the ‘Uberization’ of work underway is considered. Median earnings for the 50m barely exceed $30k a year. Jack explains this is at the core of the growing working class discontent in the US that is fueling both the Trump and the Sanders candidacies. Jack speculates on the possibility of a 4-way race for the presidency in this year’s elections. The show concludes with a review of the global economy, including the IMF’s recent lowered forecast, China’s recent GDP stats, and Jack revisiting his prior forecast the US economy would again stagnant and approach zero GDP growth for the first quarter 2016 in stats out in a couple of weeks.

Let’s Create A Better World – 12.05.15

Dr. Peggy Martin and Kevin Mottus are our the guests today on “Let’s Create a Better World” with host Bobby Ellias and co-host Stefan Rudolph.

Kevin Mottus discusses the true negative effects of cell phones and wireless transmission. The huge growing effects of diseases such as cancer and more do to cell phone use. Kevin’s gives facts and advice on how minimizing wireless exposure is a necessity for us to focus on these days.

Dr. Peggy Martin discusses proper eating habits for having a healthy holiday season, along with the side effects of processed food and holistic healing for depression and more. Discussion on nutrition, increasing our knowledge of food, eating in moderation, and being able to enjoy the holidays without overdoing it in all areas. Focus on holistic healing for depression

Let’s Create A Better World – 08.22.15

Joseph Ross, master astrologer and business consultant spoke about the astrological activities currently taking place, understanding and dealing with relationships in our lives and the need for the people to work together as a community and grow as a whole.

Second guest Michael Woods from New York City spoke on cell phone radiation and the damaging effects it is and has had on us individually and as a society. He spoke on protecting yourself from the negative effects of cell phone and other wireless devices and also discussed some great activities coming up in October re: a health show that attending.