SCOTT MCLARTY – Political Revolution and the Third-Party Imperative

“You’ve had your fun with Bernie. Now it’s time to get serious and support Hillary.” That’s the harangue Bernie Sanders’ supporters have been hearing from mainstream Democratic Party leaders and their apologists in the media. It’s bound to intensify in the wake of the virtual tie in the Iowa caucuses on February 1 and his projected win in the New …

Bernie Sanders Calls Out US Policy on GMOs, Slams Monsanto

Senator from Vermont and Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has been standing up for sustainable farming and non-GMO food. This piece isn’t meant to prop Sanders up on a pedestal but rather is meant to be a reminder to consider how your favorite presidential candidate will vote on GMOs once elected. Sanders helped to pass legislation that protects family-owned farms, not huge Agrichemical farms that …


HILLARY CLINTON CAMPAIGN ACCUSED OF VOTER FRAUD IN POLK COUNTY, IOWA CAUCUS [UPDATE: Second case of Clinton Election ‘Fraud’ Caught on Camera in Iowa] IOWA – Bernie Sanders supporters are outraged claiming caucus chair Drew Gentsch and precinct captain Liz Buck did not conduct an actual count of Clinton supporters. The pair are accused of deliberately misleading the caucus at precinct #43 in Des Moines. This is …

Top Hillary Clinton PAC Donation Amounts to 222,000 Bernie Sanders Donations

contributions of mega-donors eclipse those of normal citizens. For example, billionaire George Soros gave $6 million to the pro-Hillary Clinton Super PAC Priorities USA last quarter. By comparison, the average donation to the Bernie Sanders campaign — the only one mostly funded through small donors — was $26.28, according to a spokesperson for the campaign. That means Soros gave as much money …

PAUL STREET – The Iowa Caucus is a Classist and Ageist Farce

In Iowa, as across the nation, lots of people work during the early to middle evening, after the traditional dinner hour. Tow-truck drivers. Nurses’ aides. Nurses. Resident emergency room doctors. EMTs. Hotel receptionists. Cops. Security guards. Second-shift production workers. Custodians. Retail clerks. Waitresses. Dishwashers. Butchers at the grocery store. Chicken-shacklers at poultry-processing plants. English as a Second Language night instructors. …

The Natural Nurse And Dr. Z – The GI-MAP testing of the microbiota and implications for autoimmune disease management – 02.02.16

Ellen Kamhi, PhD RN,, interviews Dr. David M. Brady. Dr. Brady is a Connecticut and Vermont licensed naturopathic medical physician and certified clinical nutritionist and has been in clinical practice for 24 years. He is the vice provost of the Division of Health Sciences, director of the Human Nutrition Institute, and associate professor of clinical sciences at the University of Bridgeport. He is also the chief medical officer for Diagnostic Solutions Labs, LLC and Designs for Health, Inc., and practices at Whole Body Medicine in Fairfield, CT, specializing in functional and nutritional medicine.
Dr. Brady works with Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory to develop and launch the first DNA/PCR molecular assay for GI pathogens performed on stool using an FDA-approved platform and methodology, the GI Microbial Assay Plus (GI-MAP). The pathogen targets include bacteria, parasites and another first for the market, viruses! This will help integrative and functional medicine physicians and providers determine the status of the gastrointestinal environment, which is critical in understanding why a patient may be experiencing various chronic conditions, with a particular eye towards autoimmune disorders. Contact:

Adam Johnson – Media Attacking Single-Payer Are Getting Paid Under Current Health System

With the first nomination contest only two days away, the corporate media reaction to Bernie Sanders’ surprisingly strong campaign, while not reaching Jeremy Corbyn-level hysteria, has reached a noticeable panic—one marked by let’s-not-upset-the-base qualified criticism and exquisitely curated concern-trolling. The most cynical argument being advanced is that Sanders’ support for a single-payer health program is a pie-in-the-sky fantasy, in contrast to the …

Carey Gillam – The True Inside Story of How a College Professor Sells Out to Monsanto

Former University of Illinois food science professor Bruce Chassy is known for his academic gravitas. Now retired nearly four years, Chassy still writes and speaks often about food safety issues, identifying himself with the full weight of the decades of experience earned at the public university and as a researcher at the National Institutes of Health. Chassy tells audiences that …

DAVID SIROTA – Hillary Clinton Gets $13 Million From Health Industry, Now Says Single-Payer Will “Never, Ever Come To Pass”

Closing out her Iowa campaign, Hillary Clinton on Friday declared that the Medicare-for-all proposal pushed by her Democratic primary opponent and many liberal groups will “never, ever come to pass.” The statement came weeks after a new poll showed most Americans support the idea. Her declaration was a reversal of her position two decades ago — which came before she received millions of dollars of campaign cash from …

RALPH NADER – Hillary’s Corporate Democrats Taking Down Bernie Sanders

Before announcing for President in the Democratic Primaries, Bernie Sanders told the people he would not run as an Independent and be like Nader—invoking the politically-bigoted words “being a spoiler.” Well, the spoiled corporate Democrats in Congress and their consultants are mounting a “stop Bernie campaign.” They believe he’ll “spoil” their election prospects. Sorry Bernie, because anybody who challenges the …