Robert Parry – Democrats in ‘Group Think’ Land

A curious reality about Official Washington is that to have “credibility” you must accept the dominant “group thinks” whether they have any truth to them or not, a rule that applies to both the mainstream news media and the political world, even to people who deviate from the pack on other topics. For instance, Sen. Bernie Sanders may proudly declare …

Robert Scheer – Hillary Blames Bernie for an Old Clintonite Hustle, and That’s a Rotten Shame

The Clintons have no shame, that much you can count on. That stupefying arrogance was on full display in the most recent presidential campaign debate when Hillary Clinton countered Bernie Sanders’ charge that she was compromised by her close ties to Goldman Sachs and other rapacious Wall Street interests with the retort: “Sen. Sanders, you’re the only one on this …

Love Lust And Laughter – 01.19.16

Michael Jonas and his wife Barbara were voted by PEOPLE magazine to be one of America’s Most Romantic Couples. They have created many games – games that ABC News proclaimed were love, laughter and romance…in a box. An Enchanting Evening was the first. For free downloads, go to you’ll see that the shopping cart has been set up so that you listeners can get a copy of either Romantic Interlude or Make-a-Date. Use the code word Wiley. These games encourage playful touch and supportive communication! Dr. Diana and Michael Jonas focused on the question, “Are you too old for sex?” Part 2 on February 2nd will deal more with romance as we get closer to Valentine’s Day.

Steve Weissman – Hillary’s No Neocon. She’s Far More Dangerous

ack in September 2013, well before Bernie Sanders decided to run for president, the liberal journalist Peter Beinart called attention to the leftward swing among Democratic Party voters, marked by Elizabeth Warren’s popularity and Bill de Blasio’s victory in the Democratic primary for mayor of New York City. More to the point, Beinart explicitly challenged Hillary Clinton to move left …

Eoin Higgins – Why Sanders Will Not be the Democratic Nominee, No Matter What Happens in the Primaries

If you think Bernie Sanders will be the Democratic nominee for President in 2016, you’re out of your mind. There is no way the Democratic Party will allow that to happen, for two main reasons. First, this is Hillary’s turn to be the nominee. And although that’s pretty distasteful for many of Bernie’ supporters, it’s the truth and has been …

David Swanson – Probing Bernie Sanders’s Identity

Every time I write about a book about Bernie Sanders, somebody sends me a better one. If this keeps up, by the time his campaign is over I should be reading the best book ever written and be completely out of touch with reality. The latest isThe Bern Identity by Will Bunch. These books don’t make me like Bernie Sanders …

TOM BOGGIONI – Sanders campaign hints ‘hacker’ who accessed Clinton data may have been a DNC plant

In an interview with Yahoo Politics, an adviser to the campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders hinted that the data breach that resulted in the campaign losing access to the DNC servers may have been the result of a employee planted in the campaign by the DNC. Following the controversy that saw Sanders staffers blocked from accessing some of their own voter data …

Sanders Blasts US Mass Incarceration as ‘International Embarrassment

In a speech that included an overt jab at embattled Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Wednesday, Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders decried the U.S. incarceration rate as an “international embarrassment” and said he considers “reforming our broken criminal justice system one of the most important things that a president of the United States can do.” During his quick stop on Chicago’s west side, Sanders outlined …

Chris Hedges – The Illusion of Freedom

ations is unassailable. Who funds and manages our elections? Who writes our legislation and laws? Who determines our defense policies and vast military expenditures? Who is in charge of the Department of the Interior? The Department of Homeland Security? Our intelligence agencies? The Department of Agriculture? The Food and Drug Administration? The Department of Labor? The Federal Reserve? The mass …

Leid Stories – 12.21.15

The Democratic Debacle: Debating the Not-Debate
Leid Stories and listeners deconstruct the third Q&A session with the three remaining Democratic candidates vying for the presidential nomination in 2016. The so-called “debate,” hosted by ABC News, was held Dec. 19 at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire.