Ryan Grim – Why The Democratic Party’s Move Against Bernie Sanders Could Backfire

In the third Democratic presidential primary debate Saturday, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) apologized to his supporters and to Hillary Clinton for his campaign’s accessing of her proprietary voter data earlier in the week. But Sanders’ apology overshadowed an attack he leveled just seconds earlier at Clinton and the Democratic National Committee for their handling of the situation. “It bothers me …

Steven M. Druker – The GMO Dark Act Cannot Survive the Light

An ardent attempt is afoot on Capitol Hill to prevent states from requiring the labeling of genetically engineered foods – made especially urgent by the fact that Vermont’s labeling bill is set to take effect July 1st. Although proponents of these foods scored a major victory in July when they induced the House of Representatives to pass a bill (HR …

Leid Stories – 11.24.15

In Chicago, A Year to File Charges Against Killer Cop

Feeling the Bern? Sanders’ ‘Political Revolution’ (Part 2)

A year to the day that St. Louis County Prosecutor Robert McCullough announced that a grand jury found no reason to charge then-Officer Darren Wilson with any crimes related to his killing of Michael Brown, 18, in Ferguson, Missouri, Officer Jason Van Dyke is expected to be formally charged with the first-degree murder of Laquan McDonald, 17, in a similar case in Chicago.
Picking up from where we left off yesterday, listeners continue to dissect “democratic socialism,” the political philosophy extolled by presidential candidate Bernie Sanders.

Interview with Peter Henry from Consider Bardwell Farm – 11.19.15

Peter Henry is the sales and Marketing Manager for Consider Bardwell Farm, a three hundred acre dairy farm in West Pawlet, Vermont. Peter is responsible for running and staffing nine weekly farmers market stands, as well as the distribution of their artisanal cheeses throughout the country.

Consider Bardwell Farm is committed to sustainability and delicious raw milk, handcrafted cow and goat cheeses. Consider Bardwell was also a man, who founded Vermont’s first dairy coop along with a cheesemaking operation on the same spot in 1864. The farm chose to keep the name and continue the tradition!

Peter is also a veteran of Blue Hill in New York City, along with more restaurants than he cares to remember.

Leid Stories – 11.16.15

Terrorist Attacks in Paris and the Rise of the Orwellian State;
Democratic 2016 Candidates Go Blank on Foreign Policy and Rise of ISIS
French journalist Gilbert Mercier, cofounder and editor in chief of the independent online magazine News Junkie Post, says that Friday’s terrorist attacks in Paris that claimed the lives of more than 130 people will be used by France and other global powers to justify unprecedented authoritarian rule. Mercier recently published The Orwellian Empire.
The second Q&A session (not “debate”) with Democratic presidential hopefuls Saturday—featuring former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley—astutely avoided making any connection between U.S. foreign policy and the rise of ISIS.

GARY LEGUM – Bernie Sanders is in big trouble: You don’t have to be a neoliberal shill to see the cold, hard facts

Bernie Sanders’s bid for the Democratic presidential nomination is in serious trouble. Yes, I know we still have almost three months to go before voting gets underway. Yes, I’m aware that all those unscientific click-bait Internet polls showed he “won” the Democratic debate two weeks ago. Yes, I have read all the stories about the size of the crowds he …

Leid Stories – 09.15.15

Living In Limbo: The European Refugee Crisis Explained
Alan M. Kraut, professor of history at American University, affiliate faculty member of its School of International Service and a fellow at the Washington, D.C.-based Migration Policy Institute, discusses what the United Nations is calling the worst refugee crisis to hit Europe since World War II.
Bernie Sanders, the Independent junior U.S. senator from Vermont seeking the Democratic nomination in the 2016 presidential election, yesterday addressed a packed arena at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va., the largest Christian university in the world. Sanders sought common ground on what he called America’s “immorality” of poverty, inequity and injustice.

Cole Mellino – Third U.S. City Goes 100% Renewable

Aspen is one of three U.S. cities to run on 100 percent renewable energy as of today, according to city officials. The Colorado mountain town is best known for its posh ski resorts, but this beautiful town also has established itself as a leader in environmental stewardship. The city had been using about 75 to 80 percent renewable energy until Thursday …

Andre Damon – Wages for low-income workers collapsed under Obama

With the approach of the 2016 elections, the Democratic Party and its trade union allies are once again ramping up their efforts to fraudulently posture as advocates of working people. Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have called for raising the federal minimum wage, while the Obama administration has made much ado about a set of trivial changes to …

Black Agenda Radio – 08.31.15

– Black people all across the country are effectively being disenfranchised by state takeovers of their public schools. So says KE-RON BLAIR, executive director of the Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools, a coalition of nine organizations representing more than seven million students, educators and community members. Blair says state takeovers have accelerated across the country, almost exclusively in heavily Black and brown districts.

– The Stop Mass Incarceration Network, co-founded by Dr. Cornel West and Carl Dix, is gearing up for three days of protests in New York City, October 22 through 24. The Rise Up October campaign held a rally at the First Corinthian Baptist Church, in Harlem, last Thursday, under the heading, “What We Must Do to Stop Police Terror and Murder.” The most effective testimony of the evening came from relatives of people killed by cops, like Juanita Young, the mother of Malcolm Ferguson.

– The Black Is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations held its national conference, in Philadelphia. The theme was “Black Power Matters,” and the demand put forward was Black Community Control of the Police. The conference occurred not long after members of the HASHTAG Black Lives Matter organization failed to make any demands during their encounter with Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Black Agenda Report’s Glen Ford told the Black Is Back conference that the leaders of the Black Lives Matter organization are trying to drag the Black people’s movement into the clutches of the Democratic Party, where progressive movements go to die.

– In Philadelphia, Her-DOE-jah Benton, of the Uhuru Movement, in St. Louis, Missouri, spoke to the Black Is Back Coalition conference.

– Philadelphia is notorious for the brutality of its police. But, the family of 22 year old Tyree Carrol is fighting back against a police culture of violence. The young man was beaten by dozens of cops on the street in front of his home. A neighbor recorded the beating on video tape, and activists have been mobilized. Asantawaa Nkrumah Ture is a spokesperson for Justice for Tyree Carrol.

– Baltimore community organizer Tre Murphy helped raise half a million dollars bail for Allen Bullock, the 18-year-old who smashed the window of a police car during the rebellion over the cop killing of Freddie Gray. Allen Bullock’s bail was higher than that set for any of the six cops charged in Freddie Gray’s death. Community organizer Tre Murphy says high bail is just another weapon of oppression against Black and poor people.

– Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is on the left wing of the Democratic Party, which is usually associated with anti-war positions. But, the New Hampshire senator, who claims he’s a socialist, seems to be encouraging the Saudi Arabian regime in its war against Yemen. According to Sam Husseini, of the Institute for Public Accuracy, in Washington, Bernie Sanders appears to get excited about the Saudis waging war against their neighbors.