Robert Parry – The Trump/Sanders Phenomena

As outlandish as Donald Trump is as a presidential candidate, it’s pretty obvious why he’s topping the polls of Republican voters: he’s tipping over the carts of “politics as usual” that Americans understandably hate. In a much more responsible way, Bernie Sanders is doing the same with Democratic voters though he’s still trailing Hillary Clinton in most polls. ne of the …

Leid Stories – 08.24.15

St. Louis Police Killing of Mansur Ball-Bey: We Reveals New Details

Party Pooper?: Biden’s Possible Run Confirms Hillary Clinton’s Vulnerability

Mansur Ball-Bey, 18, was shot dead by police Aug. 19 during a house raid. Two police officers involved in the shooting say he aimed at them with a gun and they fired in self-defense. Witnesses, however, have said the Ball-Bay was not armed. The killing has reignited tensions locally and nationally about police use of force.

The deck’s getting stacked against Hillary Clinton. A campaign scrambling to hold itself together in the face of self-inflicted political wounds, the upsurge in Bernie Sanders’ popularity, a growing unease about her among highly placed fellow Democrats, and the wait-and-see attitudes of major endorsers is now rattled by the possibility that Vice President Joe Biden will run.

Leid Stories says that whether he runs or not, the mere discussion of a Biden candidacy confirms the Democratic Party’s recognition that Clinton is carrying way more baggage than it can carry.

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 08.11.15


To hear about SHUTTING NUKE POWER especially in New England we are joined by three great activists: SHEILA PARKS, DIANE TURCO and DEB KATZ.

All three have been fighting for years to close some of the world’s worst reactors.

Deb is a founder of the CITIZENS’ AWARENESS NETWORK which has been at the core of the successful movement to shut Vermont Yankee. As she points out, New England activists have won major victories not only at VY, but at Maine Yankee, Connecticut Yankee, Yankee Rowe, Seabrook 2, Millstone 1 and more.

Diane is hard at work shutting the Pilgrim reactor, south of Boston, where devastating health issues have arisen. Boston-based public health researcher RICHARD CLAPP was among the first to prove a clear connection between reactor radiation releases and rising cancer rates.

Sheila has continued to work on the moral and ethical questions around nuclear power, the TPP and healthy food. Her work in the Boston area includes organizing a speech in Waltham Friday, August 14 ( )

. See you there…and in a Solartopia New England!

Joshua Frank – The Wheels Fell Off the Bernie Sanders Bandwagon

A few weeks back I wrote a piece that was pretty rough on Bernie Sanders. I admit it. I pulled him through the mud by his loafers and smeared his good name. I had the audacity to point out his rubber-stamping of various wars, his silent support for Israel’s assault on Palestine, and his crude vote during Bill Clinton’s presidency that peeled …

Joshua Sperber – What is a President? The CEO of Capitalism

Ongoing left debates regarding Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign are frequently characterized by a shared premise. Whether arguing, for instance, that Sanders is dismissive of race or countering that his emphasis on economics necessarily entails anti-racism, both sides tend to assume that Sanders would be able to meaningfully advance his politics if he were to become president. That is, both sides …

Ralph Turchiano – New study: Consumers don’t view GMO labels as negative ‘warnings’

Results from 5 years of polling data released as US Senate considers controversial GMO labeling law University of Vermont A new study released just days after the U.S. House passed a bill that would prevent states from requiring labels on genetically modified foods reveals that GMO labeling would not act as warning labels and scare consumers away from buying products …

Bernie Out of the Closet: Sanders’ Longstanding Deal with the Democrats – Paul Street

I am glad that the left intellectual and activist Chris Hedges does not support the Bernie Sanders campaign for the Democratic Party presidential nomination. As Hedges explained in a recent interview on the Ralph Nader Radio Hour, Sanders’ candidacy lends undeserved credibility to the thoroughly corporatized Democratic Party. Sanders has pledged that he will support the corporatist military hawk Hillary …

Hillary Clinton Is No Progressive – Evan Popp

As a strong challenge from the left emerges in the form of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, who was once thought to be headed for a coronation in the Democratic presidential primary, has tried to recast herself as a progressive champion. However, in her mad dash to the left, Clinton cannot escape her history of supporting, as the First Lady …

The Bernie Bubble: How Long Will It Last? By Steven Rosenfeld

How long will the Bernie bubble last? Right now, Bernie Sanders is drawing [3] bigger crowds than any other presidential candidate. His economic populism [4] is bringing in millions in contributions that will carry him into next year’s opening caucuses and primaries. In short, Bernie has been campaigning in a way that has served him well for years—as a blunt retail politician whose calls [5] for economic fairness and …

Hillary’s Neocon Legacy: Coups, Dictators, Corruption, Chaos, Executions and Assassination By David William Pear

Hillary Clinton has on her liberal mask. She is all smiles and is trying hard to “out Bernie” Bernie Sanders. She is hitting all the populist talking points about helping others: Immigration, campaign finance reform, voting rights, gay marriage, economic equality, and middle class families. But she has accumulated a lot of baggage over her political career of 40 years.Hillaryand …