PTSD nation? U.S. shootings inflict growing mental toll

Mass shootings from Newtown to San Bernardino are weighing ever more heavily on Americans, with signs of post-traumatic stress spreading far beyond the circle of survivors and loved ones, experts say. Gun violence kills about 30,000 Americans every year and mass shootings—rare in most countries—have been on the rise in the United States. According to tracking website, there were …

The Gary Null Show – 01.06.16

Dr. Gareth Porter is an award-winning historian, an independent investigative journalist and policy analyst who specializes in US geopolitics and national security issues. During the Vietnam war, he was Dispatch News Services Bureau Chief in Saigon and later a co-director for the Indochina Resource Center. In addition to being a specialist in Vietnamese and Cambodian affairs, he has been reporting on the Middle East, including the chemical gas attacks reported in Syria, for the past decade. His numerous articles can found in Foreign Affairs, Al-Jazeera, Huffington, Counterpunch, Truthout, Consortium News and others. For the past 9 years he has been investigating US and Israeli tensions with Iran and US intelligence operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Gareth has an MA in international relations from the University of Chicago and a doctorate in Southeast Asian Studies from Cornell University. He has published five major books dealing with Vietnam and Cambodia. His most recent is “Manufactured Crisis: The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare” published last year, which debunks the myths regarding Iran as a nuclear threat.

Brian Bienkowski – Burn Pits: The New ‘Agent Orange’ That the Media Has Failed to Expose

The U.S. media has failed to expose the civilian toll of recent wars by largely ignoring burn pits’ toxic effects on local people, a U.S. researcher argues in a new report, suggesting the burn pits are this generation’s Agent Orange. The coverage gap helps legitimize war and overlooks the undeniable humanitarian impacts, said Eric Bonds, an assistant professor of sociology …

What Women Must Know – The Shocking Discovery Proving the Harmful Health Effects from EMFs with Dr. Martin Pall – 10.08.15

Professor Pall noted that it has been known and accepted for more than 40 years that Pulsed Fields are more Bio-Active than non-pulsed and his study showed that pulsed electrical energy does affect cells in non-thermal conditions. So much for the fraudulent claims of regulators and the industry. ALL our WiFi, Cellphones, Cordless DECT telephones, Radio Baby monitors, Smart Meters and the like have a very real potential to do massive and possibly irreversible harm to biological entities such as humans.

Learn the risks and the practical strategies that can help protect you.

Dr. Martin L. Pall, PhD is a Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University, and author of the acclaimed book “Explaining ‘Unexplained Illnesses’: Disease Paradigm for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Fibromyalgia, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Gulf War Syndrome”. He published an important paper on how electromagnetic fields ( EMFs) impact the cells of our bodies The study was honored by inclusion at the “ Global Medical Discovery as one of the top publications of 2013.

Fred Gardner – Veterans Suicide Epidemic Proves Lucrative for Therapists

Marine Corps veterans have formed their own suicide-prevention network for reasons laid out in a very powerful article by Dave Philipps in the New York Times. The men Philipps writes about served in the Second Battalion, Seventh Marine Regiment (the 2/7), in Afghanistan. Many had been deployed in Iraq, too. No one knows whether the battalion’s suicide rate is abnormally high or a common trait of fighting units …

Daniel Barker – VA hospital kills more American soldiers than our enemies

The extent of the shameful neglect on the part of the Department of Veterans Affairs toward sick veterans seeking health care is only now becoming apparent. A leaked document has revealed that more than 238,000 veterans died while their applications for treatment were pending. That’s nearly one-third of the more than 800,000 veterans with pending VA health care applications. The …

America’s Killing Fields: The Forgotten Soldiers of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom

America’s Killing Fields: The Forgotten Soldiers of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom Gary Null and Richard Gale Progressive Radio Network, July 19, 2010   From 1991 to 2003, hundreds of thousands of our bravest men and women sought help from the Veterans Administration, from the Defense Department, from the White House, all to no avail. The official word …

Monsanto Exposed for Trying to Hide ‘Ugly History’ By Ditching Its Name – Sarah Lazare

Agrochemical giant Monsanto—known for its power over food systems world-wide—recently suggested a name-change as part of a proposed corporate merger, in what critics say is a bald attempt to bury the poor human rights and environmental reputation associated with the company’s brand. Founded in St. Louis, Monsanto recently revealed that it would like to move its headquarters from the United …

Helping Veterans with PTSD Using Yoga – Constance Scharff Ph.D.

We have come a long way in our efforts to treat PTSD and other psychological disorders. Some of the best information has come from veterans themselves. For example, after suffering from the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon, Army veteran John Thurman used his experience with yoga to help others, in a program that packs rooms. There are many complementary therapies …