Expat Files – 08.18.17

#1- Corn Tortillas: the unusual truth about the 3000 year old food that fed a good number of mighty civilizations. However good they taste and smell, gringos and expats should watch carefully how they are made and handled. Every little tortilla stand has a different set of hygienic standards ranging from good to ugly. Unfortunately the cleanliness factor can be …

Progressive Commentary Hour – 05.30.17

The prosperity Gospel of Self and how the Evangelical Christian media empire hijacked the Republican party to bring us the Tea Party and Trump Terry Heaton is a retired 28 year veteran as television news executive, news consultant and author specializing in the media and propaganda. He is also recognized visionary, iconoclast and expert in web related media and business.  In the …

The Gary Null Show – 05.26.17

The prosperity Gospel of Self and how the Evangelical Christian media empire hijacked the Republican party to bring us the Tea Party and Trump Terry Heaton is a retired 28 year veteran as television news executive, news consultant and author specializing in the media and propaganda. He is also recognized visionary, iconoclast and expert in web related media and business.  …

Leid Stories—Betsy DeVos, the Meaning of Freedom In Our Time: A People’s Survey—02.08.17

Vice President Mike Pence yesterday cast a history-making, tie-breaking vote that confirmed as secretary of education Betsy DeVos, one of President Donald Trump’s most controversial Cabinet nominees. Pence’s vote came after two Republican senators—Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska—joined a unanimous Democratic vote against DeVos, a prominent philanthropist who twice served as chair of the Michigan Republican Party.

Leid Stories—Election Certification Day Sees Trump with Most Electors, the Green Party Recasting Its Failed Recount Effort, and Hillary Clinton Hell-Bent on A Comeback—12.14.16

Yesterday was the day that all 50 states and the District of Columbia must confirm the presidential election vote in their respective jurisdictions and the names of electors for each candidate who will be participating in the Electoral College on Dec. 19 that officially will select the president and vice president of the United States.

Ali Abunimah – Is Trump bringing “white Zionism” to the White House?

Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton’s running mate, has weighed in on the controversy over President-elect Donald Trump’s appointment of the racist former executive chairman of Breitbart News as his chief strategist. Under Steve Bannon’s leadership, Breitbart News “regularly published materials designed to stoke fears about African Americans, Latinos, Muslims and other groups, and to explicitly normalize white nationalist and white supremacist …

Henry A. Giroux | The United States’ War on Youth: From Schools to Debtors’ Prisons

If one important measure of a democracy is how a society treats its children, especially poor youth of color, there can be little doubt that American society is failing. As the United States increasingly models its schools after prisons and subjects children to a criminal legal system marked by severe class and racial inequities, it becomes clear that such children …

Black Agenda Radio – 09.12.16

Welcome, to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. I’m Glen Ford, along with my co-host, Nellie Bailey. Coming up: vice presidential candidate Ajamu Baraka say the Green Party will fight for the rights of all oppressed people; Blacks in Ferguson, Missouri, suspect the cops are behind the killing of a young activist; and, Blacks in Colombia …

Leid Stories—Is There Hope for Third Parties in the U.S. Two-Party World?; The Electoral College: An Impediment to Democracy?—08.25.16

Election 2016 should be the Year of the Third Parties, given the palpable dissatisfaction among voters, building over several years, with both the Democrats and the Republicans. Yet the duopoly dominates the field of political choice, as they do the political process. In this respect, this election cycle remarkably will be like previous elections—essentially a contest between two wings of the same flightless bird, with only token opposition from “third” parties.