Warrior Connection-11.20.16

The November 20 edition of Warrior Connection was a discussion with John Ketwig who is Vietnam veteran and author of the exceptional book on the Vietnam War: “and a hard rain fell—A GI’s true story of the War in Vietnam”. (contact: publicity@sourcebooks.com ) John’s exceptional book is available from most bookstores and is in still in print.

What Women Must Know – What Your Body is Telling You: The Connection between Emotions and Illness with Luke Adler – 11.17.16

Luke is a Board Certified Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist in the state of Oregon. He is also a Diplomat of the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, which is the highest level of national certification for Chinese Medicine. He studied Chinese Medicine in Santa Monica, California at Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine. As part of his training at Emperor’s, Luke completed medical externships at the Venice family clinic in West Los Angeles and the UCLA Arther Ashe Medical Clinic. After completing his training at Emperor’s College, Luke spent three months practicing Chinese medicine and Acupuncture in an integrative clinic in rural India near Mumbai. In India Luke worked side by side with Allopathic doctors, nurses and Ayurvedic and Homeopathic physicians. He is the author of Born to Heal : Heal Yourself, Heal the World

LOUIS PROYECT – The Descent of the Left Press: From IF Stone to The Nation

Just about fifty years ago when I was becoming politicized around the war in Vietnam, I began searching desperately for information and analysis that could explain why this senseless war was taking place. After taking out a subscription to I.F. Stone’s Weekly that an old friend had recommended, the scales began to fall from my eyes. Isidor Feinstein Stone, who …

The Gary Null Show – 10.13.16

Today On The Gary Null Show, Gary opens up the program with health and healing. Gary covers topics such as eating plants can reduce cancer risks and how radiola can optimize health benefits. Gary Null takes a look at the war on drugs on and how the conditions in jail are only getting worse. Before going to a Talk Back segment where listeners call in with the greatest questions Gary plays a couple of audio clips “Obama trashing Hillary Clinton in 2008” “Why Hillary Clinton’s War Record Matters”.

Gar Alperovitz – 6 Ways We’re Already Leading an Economic Revolution

Many years ago, while researching the history of the U.S. decision to use atomic weapons on the people of Japan, I came to understand something: There was something deep at work in the American political and economic system driving it toward relentless expansion and a dangerous, informal imperialism. I began thinking about how to fundamentally change America out of concern …

Project Censored – 09.06.16

Peter Phillips and guest co-host Michael Levitan spend the hour with Brian Wilson, the peace activist who survived
being run over by a munitions train during a demonstration at a California naval base 29 years ago. Wilson recounts
his transformation from Vietnam-War hawk to veteran to antiwar organizer, and also explains the connections between
the peace movement and the environmental movement. Also on the program is film-maker Bo Boudart, who produced
and directed a new documentary about Brian Wilson, “Paying the Price for Peace.”

Progressive Commentary Hour – 08.16.16

Danny Sheehan is one of our nation’s most important and influential Constitutional and public interest lawyers. During the past 45 years he has handled such public interest cases as the Pentagon Papers, the Watergate Break In, Iran Contra and the Silkwood murder case. He has represented victims of he Three Mile Island nuclear disaster and fought against the American Nazi Party on hate crimes. He is the founder of the Christic Institute and the Romero Institute, the latter being a nonprofit public policy center in Santa Cruz California. Danny has his law degree from Harvard University and later returned to study at the Harvard Divinity School.. He is the author of “The People’s Advocate: The Life and Legal History of America’s Most Fearless Public Defense Lawyer,” And his websites are DanielPSheehan.com AND RomeroInstitute.org

Philip Weiss – Clinton’s ‘infatuation with war’ and neoconservatism stirs misgivings on the left

As the Democratic convention approaches and Hillary Clinton tries to win over, or finesse, the progressive anti-war component of her base, many writers are expressing misgivings about her foreign policy. Not that they are Trump supporters; but they worry about being left out in the cold in a Clinton administration studded with neoconservatives. Here are three new takes on the …

Chuck Spinney – Why Are Defense Policy Wonks So Ineffectual?

Today, America’s foreign policy is a shambles.  Its primary features are (1) a perpetual war on terror, and (2) the seemingly inevitable march into a new and unnecessary cold war against Russia and China.  At the same time, President Obama is leaving his successor with a budget plan containing a front loaded and political engineered* procurement bow wave that guarantees steeply rising …